Solved 3x3 mining

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Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
I'd like someone to make a skript for me that when a player mines with a diamond pickaxe, it mines a 3x3x1 depending on what direction they're looking too, if they're look horizontal it breaks 3x3x1 if they're looking vertical it breaks 3x1x3 and all blocks drop the right things when they break. Thanks!
I remember having a one that was made by bi0
It worked really well.

I have lost the file, but maybe someone can help you?
on mine:
destory all blocks in 3x3 around center block but not like in a 3d plane but a 2nd plane, if possible, thanks xd skript ur da best.
Yeah. please do it. Look very simple. but coding... its hard... i have already try. but no ideas. >-<


Soooo... with Pickachu little hint i could do it! Well... There you go <3

on mine:
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    set {_2} to location of event-block
    if player's pitch is between -50 and 50:
        add 1 to y-coord of {_1}
        subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2}
        if player's horizontal facing is west or east:
            add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool             
        else if player's horizontal facing is north or south:
            add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool
        add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
        add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
        subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
        subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
        loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
            skellett break loop-block naturally using player's tool


Skelett. And skript :'D Nothing more i think

P.s i forget @Farid He helping me too little. :'D
Yeah. please do it. Look very simple. but coding... its hard... i have already try. but no ideas. >-<


Soooo... with Pickachu little hint i could do it! Well... There you go <3

on mine:
    set {_1} to location of event-block
    set {_2} to location of event-block
    if player's pitch is between -50 and 50:
        add 1 to y-coord of {_1}
        subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2}
        if player's horizontal facing is west or east:
            add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool            
        else if player's horizontal facing is north or south:
            add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool
        add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
        add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
        subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
        subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
        loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
            skellett break loop-block naturally using player's tool


Skelett. And skript :'D Nothing more i think

P.s i forget @Farid He helping me too little. :'D

dude will this work?
on mine:
    if players tool has lore "&7Miner I":
        set {_1} to location of event-block
        set {_2} to location of event-block
        if player's pitch is between -50 and 50:
            add 1 to y-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2}
            if player's horizontal facing is west or east:
                add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool           
            else if player's horizontal facing is north or south:
                add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool
            add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
            add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
            subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                skellett break loop-block naturally using player's tool
Did you changed anythings? Mine code works very fine.
Sure, just check it out.
Sure, just check it out.
doesen't work i get these errors
Never met bigger retards in my life.

If lore of player's held item is "Miner":
dude will this work?
on mine:
    if players tool has lore "&7Miner I":
        set {_1} to location of event-block
        set {_2} to location of event-block
        if player's pitch is between -50 and 50:
            add 1 to y-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from y-coord of {_2}
            if player's horizontal facing is west or east:
                add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool          
            else if player's horizontal facing is north or south:
                add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
                subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
                loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                    skellett break loop-value naturally using player's tool
            add 1 to x-coord of {_1}
            add 1 to z-coord of {_1}
            subtract 1 from x-coord of {_2}
            subtract 1 from z-coord of {_2}
            loop blocks within {_1} to {_2}:
                skellett break loop-block naturally using player's tool
There is a bug where using this code causes bedrock to be mined in the wild.