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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. N

    how do you use multiple quotation marks in quotation marks

    i need help putting quotation marks in quotation marks, but not just 1 pair, say i wanted to make console do a simple tellraw command, i would do. make console execute "tellraw @a ""e""" you need to double quotations, but say i wanted to do a more complex one.such as /tellraw @p...
  2. F

    /discord using Skript

    [Solved: I am stupid...] I am new to Skripting and have recently encountered the following problem. (I want a solution quickly, because everything has to be set and ready to go online by the end of May (2020). Any help is kindly appreciated I have been trying to shrink my discord server using a...
  3. M

    Solved Tellraw in Skript

    Hello, I want to execute a /tellraw command as the console in Skript. My /tellraw command has quotation marks, but the code for executing a console command also needs quotation marks. How could I do this? (I hope my explanation on what I'm trying to do is clear) MatsGaming
  4. Rezz

    API [Abandoned] 2.3

    This script is no longer maintained and is considered deprecated. Use Skript's own builtin JSON text (found here: This resource's original (outdated) description is below. This script is intended for use with the Skript plugin (version 2.2)...