skript help

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  1. J


    set player to "{teklifci1.%arg 1%}" < problem this code have to be set {teklifci1.%arg 1%} to "%player%" /CODE]
  2. T

    Help with skript

    Hello, I have a server that lets you buy many suffix for an amount of money. Is there anyway i can do it so they can toggle their suffix so it turns on and of. either a skript or like if player has suffix. please help!
  3. Y

    EnderChest Slots

    Hi, I'm trying to create a custom ender chest plugin using skript but can't figure out how to add more slots to the ender chest. command /enderchest: aliases: /echest, /ec permission: enderchest.use trigger: send "&5Opening enderchest" open ender chest of player to...
  4. WhoCutTheCheese

    Solved (Repost I'm dum dum) Report skript

    I have a report skript were you report a player and it'll open a GUI and you click what to report for... After you click that I want it to send the report message to a player with a certain permission. I'm using SkQuery. command report <player>: trigger: open chest with 3 rows...
  5. M

    how to use variables on wait {gg} second

    hello guys i want two script the first script i want like this command /mute [<player>] [<text>] [<text>]: permission: mute.exe usage: /mute trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-3 is set: if %arg-2% is contains...
  6. M

    save variable to particular item,block HOW

    guys i want to save variables particular,specifed block,item what is the code example on place coal ore: set {dontbreak} to coal ore on break coal ore: if {dontbreak} is specifed: cancel event
  7. Z

    balancetop money formatting

    command /balancetop: aliases: /baltop, /moneytop trigger: loop {baltop::*}: set {baltop::%loop-index%} to "%loop-value%" parsed as integer set {_baltop::*} to sorted {money::*} from highest to lowest with format "&f@index &f- &a$@value" set {_a} to 0...
  8. Rexu

    Solved problem "/skript help" in console

    when I write /skript or /sk it give me /skript help, when i write /skript help dosn't work too I use skript ver 2.5-alpha3 and server is 1.8.8
  9. varboosted

    Json help

    Hello how can i make a skript message with Json that when you click message it goes to a site? Tried this not working overall (i know its not for a site) command /store: trigger: message "<tooltip:hello world>Hover me for a tooltip!<reset>"
  10. varboosted

    Solved PvP respawn

    Delete the thread please.
  11. L

    Teleport player if player is to far

    i really want to make a quest but i want to keep the player in the quest does anyone know how to teleport the player back to a villager
  12. CyberedCake

    Help With Tab List

    --> Sorry if this is bad, it's like my first or second time posting to SkUnity! <-- Skript Version: Skript v2.4.1 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.15.2 PaperSpigot Code for Tablist: on join: set tab header to "&7&lMy header - Example" and footer to "&7&lMy footer - Example" for...
  13. D

    Solved PLS HELP me with kitpvp GUI Only will works if you in region: Kitpvpspawn

    Pls help me With this i want it taht the command only work in Region: kitpvpspawn command /kitpvpkits: trigger: if "%region at player%" contains "kitpvpspawn"] open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lSelect kit" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with...
  14. D

    Solved PLS HELP me with kitpvp GUI Only will works if you in region: Kitpvpspawn

    Pls help me With this i want it taht the command only work in Region: kitpvpspawn command /kitpvpkits: trigger: if "%region at player%" contains "kitpvpspawn"] open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lSelect kit" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with...
  15. D

    Solved I dont know what is wrong with the skript it isent working pls help

    I dont know what is wrong with the skript it isent working pls help command /punish [<offline player>] [<text>]: aliases: /p permission: ban.use permission message: &cNo Permission. trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&7[&cBan&7] &c/ban &7<player> [reason]" if arg-1 is set: open...
  16. D

    Error scordboard pls help

    Its error i dont know why pls help me fix it on join: while player is online: wait 3 ticks wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "&a&lSkyGrind99" set score "&c&lWelcome" in sidebar of player to 14 set score "&e%player%" in sidebar of player to 13 set score "" in sidebar of...
  17. J

    Help me

    command /enchant [<text>] [<integer>] [<text>]: permission: timtheenchanter.jaydev permission message: "&e[Tim] I don't think so." trigger: if arg 1 is "protection" or "protect": arg 2 is set: arg 3 is not set: enchant the...
  18. T

    Solved Help with on damage of entity regarding level of player

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.4 (maybe, don't know how to tell) Skript Author: Tanner Minecraft Version: 1.15 --- Full Code: on damage of pig: if {levels::%attacker%} is more than 1: #This is set to more than 1 for test purposes broadcast "test" #broadcast is set for...
  19. C

    not allow /dupe for enchanted items

    i have the /dupe skript which dupes items how do you make it so players cant dupe enchanted or lored items heres what i have so far command /duplicate: trigger: give player's tool to player i tried to add a if and else but i dont know how to put: if players tool is enchanted ...
  20. J

    Add Damage To A Block Help

    I don't have any skripts to show, but how can i add damage to a block using set block to large fern I want to use damage like the minecraft command: /setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:tallgrass {Damage:1}