skript 1.8.8

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  1. Z

    Chest Open Animation

    play chest open animation at event-block for all players Why not working this?
  2. P

    Skrit Entity Error Task #8

    Hello, i would like to Skript a space "Plugin" and Skript generated this exeption: [Skript] Task #8 for Skript v2.1.2 generated an exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ch.njol.yggdrasil.Fields.setFields(Ljava/lang/Object;)V at...
  3. I

    Another world inventory skript

    I'm looking for a skript by having a different inventory in each world the inventory should be saved
  4. I


    Hello I have a stickfight script here but the round starts by putting on the server joint. I would like to start the round with a command that you can say with a command in the round joint. can someone help me there? on break of emerald block: if {set.setup} is "6": send...
  5. I

    Need help

    Hello I wanted to ask if someone can help me? I want to make a script if a player dies in the world that the player also respawns in this world in which he died. but not only with one world but with many and there I do not know any further.
  6. H

    enemy nametag

    hi i am wanting to create enemy tag but idk the code, example: if player1 see player2 nametag are red, if player2 see player1 tag are red, if player2 see his teammate tag are green Me: enemy:
  7. H

    ender dragon ride

    Hi!, im wanting to ride a ender dragon but i want to make the ender dragon pushed forward at player direction. like this:
  8. H

    cant understand this Condition/Effect

    on script load: command:/shop trigger: open chest with <6> named "Games" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 with diamond sword named "PVP" with lore "Just like ffa " to <close/be unstealable> then run "/Pvp Join"
  9. couger44

    Solved Skript don't know "player's prefix".

    Its simple. The expression Player's Prefix does not recognize me. part of code: on chat: cancel event if player's world is "Lobby": if player has permission "": broadcast "%coloured player' prefix%%player%: &9%coloured message%" stop...