Another world inventory skript

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Aug 6, 2019
I'm looking for a skript by having a different inventory in each world
the inventory should be saved
set {%player%.inventory.world1} to player's serialized inventory

restore inventory of player to {%player%.inventory.world1}
I don't think that serializing inventory works correctly right now. Thankfully there is a way to do it with skript-json. Correct me if I am wrong about the serialization not working, I just tested and it doesn't work properly... I made a snippet on the skript hub discord server for serializing inventories with skript-json (Tested on Skript 2.3.6+ / skript-json)

function jsonSerializeInventoryContents(inventory: inventory) :: String:
    set {_size} to {_inventory}'s amount of rows * 9
    set {_c} to 0
    loop {_size} times:
        add slot {_c} of {_inventory} to {_items::*}
        add 1 to {_c}
    if "%{_inventory}%" is not "inventory of <none>":
        loop 5 times:
            set {_i} to slot {_c} of {_inventory}
            if "%{_i}%" is "<none>":
                add air to {_items::*}
                add slot {_c} of {_inventory} to {_items::*}
            add 1 to {_c}
            delete {_i}
    return {_items::*}'s serialized json form

function jsonSetSerializedInventoryContents(inventory: inventory, json: string, includeArmor: boolean):
    map json {_json} to {_items::*}
    set {_c} to 1
    loop ({_inventory}'s amount of rows * 9) times:
        set slot {_c}-1 of {_inventory} to {_items::%{_c}%}
        add 1 to {_c}
    if "%{_inventory}%" is not "inventory of <none>":
        if {_includeArmor} is true:
            loop 5 times:
                set slot {_c}-1 of {_inventory} to {_items::%{_c}%}
                add 1 to {_c}

In your case, you can save the player's inventory with the functions above in the world change event.

on player world change:
    set {%uuid of player%.Inventory.%past changed world%} to jsonSerializeInventoryContents(player's inventory)
    clear player's inventory
    jsonSetSerializedInventoryContents(player's inventory, {%uuid of player%.Inventory.%event-world%}, true)
When a player changes worlds, it will save their inventory for that world and load up their inventory for the world they are going to.
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