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Aug 6, 2019
Hello I have a stickfight script here but the round starts by putting on the server joint. I would like to start the round with a command that you can say with a command in the round joint.
can someone help me there?

on break of emerald block:
if {set.setup} is "6":
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &eProtection &7erfolgreich gesetzt!"
add location of event-block to {*}

on place:
if {get.setup} is true:
if {game} is "lobby":
cancel event
if {game} is "ingame":
loop {*}:
if location of block at loop-value is event-location:
cancel event
set {get.break::%location of event-block%} to event-block
add location of event-block to {stickfight.reset::*}

on break:
if {get.setup} is true:
if {state} is "lobby":
cancel event
If {get.break::%location of event-block%} is not set:
cancel event
on drop:
if {get.setup} is true:
cancel event
on weather change:
if {get.setup} is true:
set weather to sunny
on inventory click:
if {get.setup} is true:
if {game} is "lobby":
if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&eSortierung":
cancel event
on hunger metre change:
if {get.setup} is true:
cancel event

on connect:
if {game} is "lobby":
if number of players is 2:
kick player due to "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7ist voll!"
if {game} is "ingame":
kick player due to "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7hat bereits gestartet!"

on damage:
if {get.setup} is true:
if {game} is "ingame":
if damage cause is fall:
cancel event
delete {set.damage::*}
set {get.damage::%victim%} to victim
set {set.damage::%attacker%} to attacker
wait 1 tick
heal the victim
cancel event

on load:
set {stickfightprefix} to "&7[&eStickFight&7]"
kick players due to "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSkript &7wird neu eingerichtet!"
wait 1 tick
make console execute command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false"
make console execute command "/time set 6000"
make console execute command "/weather clear"
set {punkt::%{loc1}%} to 0
set {punkt::%{loc2}%} to 0
if {set.setup} is not set:
set {set.setup} to "1"
loop {stickfight.reset::*}:
set block at location at loop-value to air
delete {reset::*}
delete {sort::*}
delete {get.break::*}
delete {get.damage::*}
delete {set.damage::*}
delete {loc1}
delete {loc2}
set {game} to "lobby"
set {countdown} to 11
wait 30 tick
loop 5 times:
send "" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &8---------------------------------" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Bungee&8: &efalse" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Version&8: &e1.2" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &7By&8: &esyngrcks" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}%" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das Skript wurde &eaktiviert!" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &eVariablen &7wird synchronisiert!" to console
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &8---------------------------------" to console

on pickup of sandstone:
if {get.setup} is true:
if {game} is "ingame":
clear entity
cancel event
if player has 16 sandstone:
play "ITEM_PICKUP" to player
give player sandstone named "&eBlöcke"
cancel event

on any move:
if {get.setup} is true:
if {game} is "ingame":
if player's y-coord is smaller than {stickfight.void}:
if {get.damage::%player%} is not set:
clear player's inventory
if {loc1} is player:
teleport {loc1} to {stickfight.loc1}
if {loc2} is player:
teleport {loc2} to {stickfight.loc2}
wait 2.5 tick
set slot {slot.knüppel.%player's uuid%} of player to stick of knockback 1 named "&eKnüppel"
set slot {slot.blöcke.%player's uuid%} of player to 16 sandstone named "&eBlöcke"
set slot {slot.spitzhacke.%player's uuid%} of player to unbreakable wooden pickaxe named "&eSpitzhacke"
loop all players:
clear loop-player's inventory
if {set.damage::%loop-player%} is loop-player:
send "%{coinprefix}% &e+10 &7coins." to loop-player
add 10 to {coins::%loop-player's uuid%}
if {loc1} is {set.damage::%loop-player%}:
add 1 to {punkt::%{set.damage::%{loc1}%}%}
if {loc2} is {set.damage::%loop-player%}:
add 1 to {punkt::%{set.damage::%{loc2}%}%}
if {loc1} is loop-player:
teleport {loc1} to {stickfight.loc1}
if {loc2} is loop-player:
teleport {loc2} to {stickfight.loc2}
wait 1 tick
loop {stickfight.reset::*}:
set block at location at loop-value to air
wait 2 tick
play "NOTE_BASS" to player with volume 5 and pitch 15
loop all players:
wipe loop-player's sidebar
set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&8- &eStickFight &8-"
set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
set score "&7Map&8:" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
set score " &e%{}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
set score "&7&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
set score "&7Punkte&8:" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
if {loc1} is loop-player:
set score " &e%{punkt::%{loc1}%}% &8| &e%{punkt::%{loc2}%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
if {loc2} is loop-player:
set score " &e%{punkt::%{loc2}%}% &8| &e%{punkt::%{loc1}%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
set score "&7&7&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
if {loc1} is loop-player:
set the loop-player's level to {punkt::%{loc1}%}
if {loc2} is loop-player:
set the loop-player's level to {punkt::%{loc2}%}
play "ORB_PICKUP" to {set.damage::%loop-player%} with volume 5 and pitch 10
set slot {slot.knüppel.%loop-player's uuid%} of loop-player to stick of knockback 1 named "&eKnüppel"
set slot {slot.blöcke.%loop-player's uuid%} of loop-player to 16 sandstone named "&eBlöcke"
set slot {slot.spitzhacke.%loop-player's uuid%} of loop-player to unbreakable wooden pickaxe named "&eSpitzhacke"
delete {get.damage::*}
delete {set.damage::*}
delete {reset::*}

on quit:
if {get.setup} is true:
set quit message to "%{stickfightprefix}% &e%player% &7hat das &eSpiel &7verlassen."
if {game} is "lobby":
set quit message to ""
if {loc1} is player:
delete {loc1}
if {loc2} is player:
delete {loc2}
if {game} is "ingame":
if number of players is 2:
loop all players:
send loop-player title "%{stickfightprefix}%" with subtitle "&e%loop-player% &7hat gewonnen!" for 3 second
teleport loop-player to {stickfight.lobby}
clear loop-player's inventory
wait 5 second
kick players due to "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSkript &7wird neu eingerichtet!"
set {game} to "lobby"
make console execute command "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false"
make console execute command "/time set 6000"
make console execute command "/weather clear"
set {stickfightprefix} to "&7[&eStickFight&7]"
set {punkt::%{loc1}%} to 0
set {punkt::%{loc2}%} to 0
if {set.setup} is not set:
set {set.setup} to "1"
loop {stickfight.reset::*}:
set block at location at loop-value to air
delete {reset::*}
delete {sort::*}
delete {get.break::*}
delete {get.damage::*}
delete {set.damage::*}
delete {loc1}
delete {loc2}
set {countdown} to 11

on inventory close:
if {game} is "lobby":
if {sort::%player%} is set:
delete {sort::%player%}
set {_slot} to 0
clear player's inventory
set slot 4 of player to redstone repeater named "&eSortierung"
if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&eSortierung":
loop 9 times:
if slot {_slot} of player's current inventory is a stick of knockback 1:
set {slot.knüppel.%player's uuid%} to {_slot}
if slot {_slot} of player's current inventory is a sandstone:
set {slot.blöcke.%player's uuid%} to {_slot}
if slot {_slot} of player's current inventory is a wooden pickaxe:
set {slot.spitzhacke.%player's uuid%} to {_slot}
add 1 to {_slot}

on right click with redstone repeater:
if {game} is "lobby":
clear player's inventory
set {sort::%player%} to true
open chest with 1 row named "&eSortierung" to player
wait 1 tick
if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&eSortierung":
set slot {slot.knüppel.%player's uuid%} of current inventory of player to stick of knockback 1 named "&eKnüppel"
set slot {slot.blöcke.%player's uuid%} of current inventory of player to 16 sandstone named "&eBlöcke"
set slot {slot.spitzhacke.%player's uuid%} of current inventory of player to unbreakable wooden pickaxe named "&eSpitzhacke"
on join:
if {get.setup} is true:
if {game} is "lobby":
if {loc1} is set:
if {loc2} is set:
set {loc2} to player
set {loc1} to player
on join:
if {get.setup} is not set:
wait 1 tick
send "%{stickfightprefix}%"
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Bitte richte das &eSetup &7ein!"
send "%{stickfightprefix}%"
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &8/&7setup &8| &emap &8<&7name&8> | &elobby &8| &eloc1 &8| &eloc2 &8| &evoid"
if {game} is "lobby":
set join message to "%{stickfightprefix}% &e%player% &7hat das &eSpiel &7betreten."
if {slot.knüppel.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {slot.knüppel.%player's uuid%} to 0
if {slot.blöcke.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {slot.blöcke.%player's uuid%} to 1
if {slot.spitzhacke.%player's uuid%} is not set:
set {slot.spitzhacke.%player's uuid%} to 2
set player's health to 20
set player's hunger to 20
teleport player to {stickfight.lobby}
clear player's inventory
set slot 4 of player to redstone repeater named "&eSortierung"
if number of players is 2:
loop {countdown} times:
wait 1 second
if number of players is 2:
remove 1 from {countdown}
loop all players:
set the loop-player's level to {countdown}
if {countdown} is 10:
play "NOTE_PLING" to players with volume 5 and pitch 15
broadcast "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7beginnt in &e10 &7Sekunden&8!"
if {countdown} is 5:
play "NOTE_PLING" to players with volume 5 and pitch 15
broadcast "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7beginnt in &e5 &7Sekunden&8!"
if {countdown} is 4:
play "NOTE_PLING" to players with volume 5 and pitch 15
broadcast "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7beginnt in &e4 &7Sekunden&8!"
if {countdown} is 3:
play "NOTE_PLING" to players with volume 5 and pitch 15
broadcast "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7beginnt in &e3 &7Sekunden&8!"
if {countdown} is 2:
play "NOTE_PLING" to players with volume 5 and pitch 15
broadcast "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7beginnt in &e2 &7Sekunden&8!"
if {countdown} is 1:
play "NOTE_PLING" to players with volume 5 and pitch 15
broadcast "%{stickfightprefix}% &7Das &eSpiel &7beginnt in &e1 &7Sekunden&8!"
if {countdown} is 0:
play "LEVEL_UP" to players with volume 5 and pitch 15
set {game} to "ingame"
loop all players:
clear loop-player's inventory
set slot {slot.knüppel.%loop-player's uuid%} of loop-player to stick of knockback 1 named "&eKnüppel"
set slot {slot.blöcke.%loop-player's uuid%} of loop-player to 16 sandstone named "&eBlöcke"
set slot {slot.spitzhacke.%loop-player's uuid%} of loop-player to unbreakable wooden pickaxe named "&eSpitzhacke"
teleport {loc1} to {stickfight.loc1}
teleport {loc2} to {stickfight.loc2}
wipe loop-player's sidebar
set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&8- &eStickFight &8-"
set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
set score "&7Map&8:" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
set score " &e%{}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
set score "&7&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
set score "&7Punkte&8:" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
set score " &e0 &8| &e0" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
set score "&7&7&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
command /setup [<text>] [<text>]:
if player has permission "sk.setup.bypass":
if arg 1 is "map" or "lobby" or "loc1" or "loc2" or "protection" or "void" or "delete":
if arg 1 is "lobby":
if {set.setup} is "1":
set {set.setup} to "2"
set {stickfight.lobby} to location of player
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &e%arg-1% &7erfolgreich gesetzt."
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cFalsche Anwendung&8!"
if arg 1 is "map":
if arg 2 is set:
if {set.setup} is "2":
set {set.setup} to "3"
set {} to arg-2
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &e%arg-2% &7erfolgreich hinzugefügt."
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cFalsche Anwendung&8!"
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cGib einen Namen an&8!"
if arg 1 is "loc1":
if {set.setup} is "3":
set {set.setup} to "4"
set {stickfight.loc1} to location of player
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &e%arg-1% &7erfolgreich gesetzt."
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cFalsche Anwendung&8!"
if arg 1 is "loc2":
if {set.setup} is "4":
set {set.setup} to "5"
set {stickfight.loc2} to location of player
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &e%arg-1% &7erfolgreich gesetzt."
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cFalsche Anwendung&8!"
if arg 1 is "protection":
if {set.setup} is "5":
set {set.setup} to "6"
give player 4 emerald block named "&eProtection"
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cFalsche Anwendung&8!"
if arg 1 is "void":
if {set.setup} is "6":
set {set.setup} to "6"
set {get.setup} to true
set {stickfight.void} to y-coord of player
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &e%arg-1% &7erfolgreich gesetzt."
kick the player due to "%{stickfightprefix}% &eSetup &7abgeschlossen."
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cFalsche Anwendung&8!"
if arg 1 is "delete":
set {set.setup} to "1"
delete {get.setup}
delete {stickfight.lobby}
delete {}
delete {stickfight.loc1}
delete {stickfight.loc2}
delete {*}
delete {stickfight.void}
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cDas Spiel wurde erfolgreich gelöscht!"
send "%{stickfightprefix}% &cFalsche Anwendung&8!"
send "&cI'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this"
send " &ccommand. Please contact server administrators if you"
send " &cbelieve that this is in error."
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