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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. SuperEpps22556

    Mob Aggression

    This is an expression if the entity already has a target. A natural zombie pig won't have a target unless attacked. They need to be given a target when a block is mined.
  2. SuperEpps22556

    Mob Aggression

    I've researched and read through so many docs to try and find the end solution of this code. I'm not sure how to make naturally spawned zombie pigmen turn aggressive. I have this so far and would love to know if it's possible to end it like the mod that makes pigmen aggro when mining nether...
  3. SuperEpps22556

    Detect on breath meter change?

    I have skript reflect installed and working properly, but I haven't done much of minecraft java to understand it. I can't find the solution and the documents give no information on how to use it. I ran that code to make sure it works and it spams the chat with every single squid spawned in the...
  4. SuperEpps22556

    Detect on breath meter change?

    I've been searching over documents, forums, and across the internet but I can't seem to find any answer anywhere. Is there an event to detect when a player's breath meter changes? I currently have Skript 2.6.3, SkQuery 4.1.7, and Skellet 2.0.7. If I need another addon, I have no issues using it...
  5. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Teleport to other dimension wont work

    You could also use the vanilla command and execute. execute console command "/execute in minecraft:world_nether run teleport @p -6 69 -26"
  6. SuperEpps22556

    why doesn't this work ("on rightclick on enchanting table" is error)

    Just a few things removed and this works on rightclick on enchanting table: cancel event open chest with 5 rows named "&6&lEnchanting Table" to player wait 5 ticks #wait may not be needed but I include waits in chest guis format slot 0 of player with light blue stained...
  7. SuperEpps22556

    Skript not reading a variable

    Skript Version: Skript 2.4.1 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.15 Full Code: on projectile hit: if projectile is an arrow: if shooter is a player: if {perk.explosive.%shooter%} is true: wait 3 seconds create an explosion of force...
  8. SuperEpps22556

    Shoot Wither Skulls

    Thank you much, I can finally proceed in skripting :emoji_smile:
  9. SuperEpps22556

    Shoot Wither Skulls

    I've been out of the skripting game for a while but came back to hitting a road block. I've been trying to figure out how to shoot a wither skull like an actual wither out of an item. I have this code, however if the player were to look straight forward, the skull would drop to the ground...
  10. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Can't understand condition/effect

    Thank you, I don't see how I missed that. Much appreciated
  11. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Can't understand condition/effect

    The indentation wasn't the error I wanted to fix, it was the skript not understanding the "{rage:%attacker%} is 1:"
  12. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Can't understand condition/effect

    To start off, I am not too advanced in doing a lot of big skripting but I've been trying to practice them. I've been trying to make a perk skript with this code: on damage of a player: if attacker is a player: if {ragemeter:%attacker%} is 1 if {rage:%attacker%} is 1...
  13. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Help Reading Error

    I just disabled the checks and it seems to not shoot me the error anymore. Didn't know that option was in the config until now, thanks :>
  14. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Help Reading Error

    Skript Version: 2.1.2 MC Version: 1.8 Full Code: Error: I don't think I have any problems with the code itself, but when I restart my server, the console gets this error message with only this skript. It didnt do it before...
  15. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Automatic Demote System

    Version: 1.8 Code: Error: I've been trying to code to where if a player is staff [has permission litebans.warn] and hasn't logged in for x time their rank is removed [execute console command "x"], i had this but it either doesnt do anything when they log in, or...
  16. SuperEpps22556

    On command link with another command

    on command "/warn <text> <text>": if player has permission "litebans.warn": execute console command "/kick %arg-0% %arg-1%" else: message "&cYou cannot execute that command" Error: This command doesn't have any arguments (, line 3: execute console command...
  17. SuperEpps22556

    On command link with another command

    Skript Version: Latest Minecraft Version: 1.8.x I'm using the litebans plugin and trying to figure out a way I can link /warn to automatically do /kick with the same messages. I haven't really done anything with arguments so I'm not really sure how this would work. I had something like this but...
  18. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Name/Lore requirements

    Thank you, got it to work how I wanted. Cheers.
  19. SuperEpps22556

    Solved Name/Lore requirements

    I'm trying to code a skript where if someone right clicks a nether star named "&c&lParty Star" with the lore "&5&lRight-Click for a reward". I had this coded but not sure exactly where to go from there: on right click holding nether star: chance of 33%: execute console command...