Skript Version: Latest
Minecraft Version: 1.8.x
I'm using the litebans plugin and trying to figure out a way I can link /warn to automatically do /kick with the same messages. I haven't really done anything with arguments so I'm not really sure how this would work. I had something like this but it does not do the second command.
Minecraft Version: 1.8.x
I'm using the litebans plugin and trying to figure out a way I can link /warn to automatically do /kick with the same messages. I haven't really done anything with arguments so I'm not really sure how this would work. I had something like this but it does not do the second command.
- on command "/warn <text> <text>":
- if player has permission "litebans.warn":
- execute console command "/kick arg-0 arg-1"
- else:
- message "&cYou cannot execute that command."