I've been out of the skripting game for a while but came back to hitting a road block. I've been trying to figure out how to shoot a wither skull like an actual wither out of an item. I have this code, however if the player were to look straight forward, the skull would drop to the ground instead of going forward.
This is the code so far
My skript versions:
SkQuery v3.21.4
Skellett v1.9.6b
Skript v2.2-dev27
skRayFall v1.9.15
My minecraft version is 1.8.x
I'm just looking for any possible way to make it shoot straight or make the code better. I've searched high and low on google, youtube, and these forums but haven't found anything on it.
This is the code so far
if player's tool is {staff}:
if {time.used.%player%} is true:
spawn a wither skull in front of the player
thrust the spawned wither skull in direction of player with force 1
My skript versions:
SkQuery v3.21.4
Skellett v1.9.6b
Skript v2.2-dev27
skRayFall v1.9.15
My minecraft version is 1.8.x
I'm just looking for any possible way to make it shoot straight or make the code better. I've searched high and low on google, youtube, and these forums but haven't found anything on it.