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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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    Offering I will code anything for CHEAP

    That would probably be a paid plugin, idk its kinda simple, it just depends on how you want to do it and which blocks, etc.
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    Offering I will code anything for CHEAP

    This is already a common script plugin but if you really don't want to google it I guess I could
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    Offering I will code anything for CHEAP

    I just use VSC. It's simple but for a language like skript its effective
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    Offering I will code anything for CHEAP

    Are you looking for a plugin developer to code a plugin for your sever? I will code ANY plugin you want for a cheap price! (heck if its simple enough I might do it for free!) Here's what you can expect for different price points: FREE 5$ 10$ 20$ 50$ A simple functional plugin, around...
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    How to check if a explosion was set off by a player

    I was working on a plugin where you can throw fire balls, I want to make these fireballs have a bigger explosion but only if they were thrown by a player under certain conditions not if it was thrown by a ghost or if the player doesn't meet these conditions. How would I do this?
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    How to add and subtract xp from a player

    The parser says this syntax is wrong?
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    How to add and subtract xp from a player

    Hello! This is kinda a stupid and basic question but I can't find the answer for the life of me. So I want to add and subtract xp from a player I tried: add 10 to player's xp However I think this requires the TuSke add-on and I would prefer to use Skript syntax if this exist. I would also...
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    adding cooldown to this

    Use code blocks in the further like I show above
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    Use block displays as texture for custom items

    I posted it there, thanks for the advice
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    The code keeps giving me indentation errors.

    Hmm you sure you don't need 20Spaces XD Okay fr tho I think it's a syntax error not idention. Can you verify your syntax?
  11. 2

    Use block displays as texture for custom items

    Hello! So I created this custom block display command that I want to use as the texture for a custom bow, how would I use the block display as a texture? Here's the command I created if it's helpful: /summon block_display ~-0.5 ~-0.5 ~-0.5...
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    Solved Skript particles aren't generating

    Okay the seemed to fix the problem
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    Solved Skript particles aren't generating

    Not working... maybe its because its set to pitch instead of yaw? Edit: while this is probably a problem its not causing the particles to stop rendering
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    Solved Skript particles aren't generating

    It says (and this isn't exact as I can't open mc rn) vector location: x: 32.1, y: 37.3, z: 48.1 Or something like that I can check on Friday if that doesn't make sense
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    Solved Skript particles aren't generating

    Interesting.. mobs don't seem to be spawning at the vector, did I maybe create the vector wrong? Maybe I messed up the syntax?
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    Solved Skript particles aren't generating

    I made a Skript that will spawn particles in a circle around the player: command /circleparticles: trigger: set {_radius} to 5 # Adjust the radius of the circle as needed set {_angle} to 0 loop 36 times: wait 2 ticks # Add a delay between particle spawns...
  17. 2

    on chat: double event?

    Could you send a Screen Shot of what happens on your sever? It might be a sever problem this doesn't look like something wrong with Skript
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    How to use vectors for custom particles?

    How would I make the center of the vectors? sorry for the late reply
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    How to use vectors for custom particles?

    Hello, I was wondering how I could use different vectors to make custom particles? (example: 0:13)
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    Solved Cooldown on custom item

    Alright this time it actually worked. Thanks so much!!!!