Offering I will code anything for CHEAP

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Apr 26, 2024

Are you looking for a plugin developer to code a plugin for your sever?

I will code ANY plugin you want for a cheap price! (heck if its simple enough I might do it for free!)

Here's what you can expect for different price points:
A simple functional plugin, around 20-30 minutes worth of workAlthough some what simple you can expect a high quality, no bug, no lag, plugin. 1-2 hours of workFor people looking for a more complex plugin this is for YOU! Maybe you want a variety of custom items? expect 2-4 hours of work and bug fixing for this price point!Wow, you looking for a big plugin? Plugins with around 1-10 custom items, custom nbt, and advance features of Skript are perfect for this price point!K I mean at this point ill make whatever you want ig
1-3 custom items1-5 custom items1-7 custom items1-12 custom items


20-30 minutes worth of work1-2 hours of work2-4 hours of work5-7 hours of work


Bug free!Bug free!Bug free!Bug free! (probably, it gets hard with bigger plugins)


No custom texturesI'll help you set up custom textures but I won't make themI'll help you set up custom textures but I won't make themI'll help you set up custom textures but I won't make themI can make basic custom textures or help you add support for ones that you already have

Prices are negotiable if you don't like any of the price points!

Ready to buy? Respond to this post (not required but it's helpful for me) AND DM on discord at 20Spaces

Hello, can you code for me a plugin that detects the player who places a tnt, and when the tnt explodes, it gives the kill to the one who placed the tnt (even if this tnt was put in a dispenser, then shooted with a tnt cannon)
Not sure if that's doable as the data will only store 'Player was killed by explosion' and not that it was specifically shot out of a dispenser at a specific location.
Hello, can you code for me a plugin that detects the player who places a tnt, and when the tnt explodes, it gives the kill to the one who placed the tnt (even if this tnt was put in a dispenser, then shooted with a tnt cannon)
Hello, can you code for me a plugin that detects the player who places a tnt, and when the tnt explodes, it gives the kill to the one who placed the tnt (even if this tnt was put in a dispenser, then shooted with a tnt cannon)
This is already a common script plugin but if you really don't want to google it I guess I could