Vixio - The best Discord addon on the Market

Addon Vixio - The best Discord addon on the Market 2.0.7

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Vixio, the Skript addon created to fit all of your Discord needs.
Discord Server:

This update brings a few new effect to send embeds and a new expression. Mostly released because the play effect is now faster, smoother, and more reliable.

The play effect is now 110% more reliable. Otherwise, there's nothing else changed!

New Effect(s)
send embed %string% to user %user% with %string%
New Expression(s)
volume of player [named] %string%

1) Add Reaction support for messages
2) Make more User oriented events
3) Update all syntaxes to be more "New Skripter" friendly!

on guild message receive seen by "Rawr":
    set {_args::*} to event-string split at " "
    set {_command} to {_args::1}
    remove {_args::1} from {_args::*}
    if {_command} starts with "$nowplaying":
        clear embed "Nowplaying"
        make embed "Nowplaying"
        set title of embed "Nowplaying" to "Displaying information for the track that is currently playing"
        set color of embed "Nowplaying" to "PINK"
        add field "**Name**", with value "%title of track {ptsd}%", split true to embed "Nowplaying"
        add field "**Identifier**", with value "%identifier of track {ptsd}%", split true to embed "Nowplaying"
        add field "**Author**", with value "%author of track {ptsd}%", split true to embed "Nowplaying"
        add field "**Time**", with value "%position of track {ptsd}%", split true to embed "Nowplaying"
        add field "**Duration**", with value "%duration of track {ptsd}%", split true to embed "Nowplaying"
        add field "**Link to Audio**", with value "[%title of track {ptsd}%](%{playing}%)", split true to embed "Nowplaying"
        send embed "Nowplaying" to user event-channel with "Rawr"