Ultimate Essentials PRO ✪ Essentials Converter ✪ [1.9-1.13] ✪ Over 165 Commands!

Script Ultimate Essentials PRO ✪ Essentials Converter ✪ [1.9-1.13] ✪ Over 165 Commands! 3.2

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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We are back with updates and support of 1.13. Many changes in the

+ Replaced MundoSk with Kosmos, Skope and ThatPacketAddon
+ Removed Skellett as a dep
+ Replaced SkUtilities with skript-yaml
+ 1.13 Support!
+ Faster file system
+ Option to change currency symbol in config
+ more permissions for /repair
+ Fixed Teleport delay not working
+ Fixed vanish not refreshing when relogging
+ Fixed hiding join/leave message to specific players
+ First Join Spawn
+ advanced usage of /tppos to include (/tppos ~ ~ ~) functionality
+ Replaced SaneEconomy with SkVault
+ Per-World-Inventories can be enabled in config
+ Reset all balances command
+ added Sheep to /spawnmob
+ Added link to wiki in /ue info
Use /ue update to update automatically

+ Fixed Duplication bug with the new vault system
+ Fixed bug with warps showing in GUI without the permission for them
+ Change UEP vaults into Advanced Vaults (Other Resource of mine) SEE FAQs for Help
+ Vault Purchasing features
+ Vault icon editing
+ Better Vault naming
+ Permission based vault sizing
+ Fixed some Skript warnings
+ Fixed bug with /kit edit not letting you set the new cooldown or price properly (Thanks to @various003)
+ Fixed action bar spacing bug with kit notifiers
+ Fixed a bug with /world GUI not showing normal worlds
+ Fixed a bug with per-world-spawns not working
+ Fixed the help menu for /setmotd showing twice
+ Added spawn per permissions group (ue.spawn.<name>, /setspawn <name>, /delspawn <name>
+ Made the size of head menus customizable to reduce loading time of the GUI for lower ram servers.
+ Made Kit notifiers have sounds
+ Made Kit notifiers action bars instead of titles

use /ue update to auto update

+ Fixed bug where tab header and footer would be the same
Use /ue update to update

New Dependency: Skript-Mirror

**Make sure to update your dependecies with the ones on the page**

+ Added ue.exp.others permission for performing exp commands on other people
+ Added /commandspy back in to UEP
+ Made all the Booleans and Numbers/Integers in the config actually Booleans and Numbers/Integers instead of strings
+ Fixed /helpop only sending to yourself.
+ /invsee permission to view without ability to take items (ue.admin.invsee.restrict)
+ Made the suggest command for "/help" and "/ue help" just the command, instead of the command and arguments.
+ Recoded the Essentials to UEP converter to now use the API of Essentials.
+ Made the installer automatically turn off variable conflict warnings in the skript config to prevent confusion.
Use /ue update to auto update
Make sure to install the latest dependencies (not needed, but recommended)

+ Fixed /fix all making notch apples into regular golden apples
+ Commandsign price per usage
+ Added /kickall (ue.kickall)
+ Fixed bug with kit GUI not showing kits even if permission is given
+ Fixed bug with kit cooldown timer
+ added /kits back to view kits available
+ Added a way to edit kits (/kit edit <kit> OR middle-click in the kit gui)
+ Fixed bug with autobroadcaster not displaying all messages
Fixed a bug where /eco set would not give you the correct amount of money

TIP: Do /ue update to update
There was a problem where the default aliases file was no recognizing lime stained glass and enderpearls, the reason this bug slipped by us is because we were using the aliases file that we provide when you install, and if you haven't used the installer, you obviously don't have that, which caused problems. This is now fixed to work with the default aliases file and sorry for the inconvenience, enjoy!
This is our biggest most ambitious update yet! We coded UEP from the ground up, recoding almost every single command! If there are any bugs please send us a message or contact us on discord!

+ EssentialsX Converter
+ Recoded/Improved ALL COMMANDS
+ Efficiency Update
+ UUID Supported GUI menus
+ Fixed spawn not working sometimes
+ Fixed god not working when player's hit you
+ Fix /world teleportation on top of nether
+ Fixed issue with signs giving permission messages errors
+ Fixed bank issues (not saving money and shit)
+ Changed the permission to use signs from 'ue.signs.click.<sign>' to 'ue.signs.use.<sign>'