
Addon skript-advancements 1.6.3

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Fixes issue with multiple base advancements being registered.
Fixes row and column expressions being mismatched.
Fixes many bugs caused by the packet update.
Adds Dispose Tab Effect

Custom advancement tabs need both a root advancement and a base advancement to register. Previously this would cause an exception.
This update reworks everything in Skript-Advancements to make it faster and better using UltimateAdvancementsAPI A lot of syntax has been changed as a result of this update. If you notice something not working right, please create an issue.
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+ Advancement Announcement Expression
+ Advancement Toast Expression
+ Advancement Visibility Expression
Adds advancement display expressions.
Adds NBT support for custom toast messages and custom advancements.
Adds back the delete advancement effect.
Some bug fixes.
This update allows you to get the date awarded of any advancement, display a custom toast message to a player, and more.
Adds an advancement creator section, advancement creator effects, along with advancement creator expressions.
Skript-advancements adds essential advancement features in Skript for your server.

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Here's a list of what skript-advancements adds:
▪ Advancement Complete Event
▪ Player Has Advancement Condition
▪ Grant Advancement Effect
▪ Revoke Advancement Effect
▪ Advancement Type (1.2+)

Skript-Advancements 1.2+ uses Spigot's 1.12 API. Although it is untested on this version, it may work!