
Addon skript-advancements 1.6.3

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- Removed the update checker
- Added 1.20.6 support
Adds the `on complete` section in the advancement creation section. See the example.
- Added 1.20.4 support
- Fixed the update checker being incorrect.
Now supports 1.20.
Adds some bug fixes and single-advancement tabs.

Easier syntax option:
`set root to true`
`set row to 3`
`set title to "abc"`
Fixes an issue loading with newer versions of paper.
Fixes an issue with advancement parents.
Fixes a bug with advancements when registering a tab outside of the script load event.
This release adds advancement visibility, allowing you to set the visibility of an advancement to one of three options. By default, the visibility of an advancement will be visible. The other two options are: hidden and parent granted. The hidden visibility will be hidden from the player until granted while the parent granted, or simply parent, visibility is displayed when the parent of the advancement is granted to a player.
Adds 1.19.3 Support
Fixes rows and columns being switched.
Adds support for decimal numbers in rows and columns. (set row of advancement to 1.5)
Adds vanilla advancement progress support.
Adds advancements from tab effect.
Adds list descriptions. (set description of advancement to "Line 1", "Line 2" and "Line 3 %nl% This also works")
Adds multi-parent advancements. (set parents of advancement to "tab/base1" and "tab/base2")
- The parents cannot include a root advancement.
Adds update checker.

Fixes errors with multiple advancement tabs.
Fixes errors with duplicate advancements.