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Addon SKNoise | The Addon to Generation 1.0

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Update 1.0

This update is a complete recode of skNoise, bringing in a new way to handle generators, more ways to edit a generator and its values

Generators are now actually an object compared to constructing the entire generator through one line.
You can save a generator to a variable now as well!

Here's a quick example of creating a new generator, editing some values, and using it:

command /noise:
        set {_gen} to new simplex generator with seed 42069
        set frequency of {_gen} to 0.01 # Essentially a zoom value
        set {_value} to abs(value of {_gen} at player)
        if {_value} < 0.5:
            set block at player to black concrete
            set block at player to white concrete
Alongside this new format for generators, there's also a new type of generator, which is the Value generator.

This generator allows you to essentially create a seeded random number generator, for example:

command /random:
        set {_g} to new value generator with seed 1
        set frequency of {_g} to 1 # Setting to 1 makes it so that each value obtained from a different location, is completely different
        set {_val} to abs(value of {_g} at player)
        send "Random Number: %{_val}%"
You can also do a lot more to Cellular (Voronoi) generators, such as setting its jitter (how the points are spread), return type, and changing the distance function used.

Here's a quick example of how you'd get the cell values now:

command /cellvalue:
        set {_g} to new voronoi generator with seed 1
        set voronoi return type of {_g} to CellValue
        set {_val} to abs(value of {_g} at player)
        send "Cell Value: %{_val}%"
And yes, the average expression still exists :emoji_wink:
This update fixes voronoi noise bugs from 0.1.8

- Voronoi:
[sknoise] voronoi [noise] at [x] %number%[,] [[y] %-number%[(,|[,] and) [z] %-number%]] [with cell values]
[sknoise] voronoi [noise] at (loc|location) %location% [with cell values]

Get's the voronoi noise at a location, voronoi noise in simple words is a plot of distance between points. (Wiki)

Big Example:
command /set:
        set {_l} to location of player
        set {_ogL} to location of player
        loop 100 times:
            loop 100 times:
                set {_value} to voronoi noise at ((x-coord of {_l}) / 2), (z-coord of {_l} / 2)
                if {_value} >= 0.5:
                    set block at {_l} to white concrete
                    set block at {_l} to black concrete
                add 1 to x-coord of {_l}
            add 1 to z-coord of {_l}
            set x-coord of {_l} to x-coord of {_ogL}
I lowkey forgot to update the resource here, this is a quick summary of what was changed.

The expression was made more efficient

Noise Noise expressions were given a syntax to allow locations ((perlin|simplex) noise at %location%)

(0.1.2 - 0.1.4)

Seed Seed expression was originally set to return a list, this changed that
Noise These expressions were given parameters for octaves, frequency, and amplitude! Also fixed an issue with the original syntax

This is update reduced the file size by a ton, by removing skript from being bundled with the build, it reduced the file size from ~2.7mb to ~42kb

This update also changed the syntax by a lot for noise expressions.
Perlin Syntax
[sknoise] perlin [noise] at [x] %number%[,] [[y] %-number%[(,|[,] and) [z] %-number%]] [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]

[sknoise] perlin [noise] at [(loc|location)] %location% [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]


[sknoise] simplex [noise] at [x] %number%[,] [[y] %-number%[(,|[,] and) [z] %-number%]] [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]

[sknoise] simplex [noise] at [(loc|location)] %location% [(1¦with octaves %-integer%[,] frequency %-number%(,|[,] and) amplitude %-number%)]

The expressions were given the Normalized parameter at the beginning of the syntax

[normalized] (simplex|perlin) noise