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It was nice to see this working without any addons.. some people can't use addons (rare ones such thus who runs some simple servers on shared hostings) but after you made it with Skript-Mirror it became the same as EWS script (MirrorUtil).. EWS has better code because he uses real Java.. you better revert it to use no addons to make it special :)

Good work & good luck.
Ehh, I'd still rather use skript-mirror since its much more easy to use over functions. And MirrorUtils doesn't have all the functions I have. These functions are much simpler than his. If you want I could make a function version.
tks <3 .....i love it
Tysm so much! Thanks for the good review. I'm just doing my best to help the Skript community.

Next update is gonna be helpful, it'll add cooldowns, entity tags (just like tag API but better), and some new kill/death functions along with more permission and region support.

Basically, you're 'bout to love this script even more.
This API is very functional for the servers, and also serves for people who want to learn to use skript-mirror since the code does not have so many complications and is understandable.
Thanks so much! The API is mainly just used to make Skript life easier. Anyways, I'd also like to point out that it is convenient you said it helps people learn skript-mirror, since I looked at another Skript to learn how to use expressions in skript--mirror.

Have a good day!