NBTSk [Help with NBT in items with scripting]

Script NBTSk [Help with NBT in items with scripting] v1.2.0

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  1. 1.12
Hi! I'm Aidanete and I'm back with a very useful script.

A few ago I wanted to use custom heads in my scripts but I didn't find out how, so this script can make your life easier because this can store items with nbt tags that they can be used in your scripts. Of course you may know that this is for personal use, because this items stores in variables, so this works if you are making scripts for your server or you work directly on another's server

No more than Skript

It don't have, but I can add them in the future

I will make a tutorial soon, I will post a link to it here, so you can see the commands

If you have issues, comment them below
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. NBTSk now can detect if it is installed or not. This has an important future use

    Now NBTSk can detect if the script is installed and enabled on the server, I'm working on an API...
  2. Save blocks, test syntax and even more!

    A little update with some features as saving placed blocks etc.
  3. NBTSk [Help with NBT in items with scripting] (Fixed some bugs)

    Fixed a typo in an "if" statement