Command Binder - Add commands to blocks, pressure plates and more

Script Command Binder - Add commands to blocks, pressure plates and more 1.1

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.13
  2. 1.14
  3. 1.15
  4. 1.16
  5. 1.17
Create interactive blocks, pressure plates, signs... that run player or console commands

This Skript lets you bind player & console commands to pretty much any block. This is a very neat and useful feature to spice up your server hub, spawn etc... You can bind a command to blocks by simply using /bind <command> while looking at your target block. Console commands can be binded by adding two ** at the very end -> /bind /broadcast Hey!**

Installation process: Download Skript here:, restart your server, place into /plugins/Skript/scripts/, type /sk reload


No addons are required to run this Skript.

I will gladly help you with adjustments or installation through Discord (Sombrerian#0509)
# Permission to use pressure plate or block-binded commands.
# Give yourself or staff "commandbinder.superuser" permission to use Administrative commands.
cmdpermission: commandbinder.use
# Indication beam
# Which particles should we display when using /listbinds?
# Particles help you visualise exactly where binded commands reside.
indicationbeam: dust
commandbinder.use Ability to interact with blocks, pressure plates... in order to run binded command
commandbinder.superuser Ability to use /bind, /unbind, /listbinds, /tpcmd
Ssskript Discord server:
My Discord: Sombrerian#0509
Email: [email protected]
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More resources from Sombrerian

Latest updates

  1. Command Binder 1.1

    Added chat notifications if command arguments aren't properly specified