- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.17
An extremely configurable Resource World plugin (Skript) that every Survival server needs!
Main purpose of a Resource world is to serve as temporary world for your players to gather materials in. Resource world is automatically renewed after a set period of time (configurable). This will keep your primary Survival world tidy and more appealing to newcomers. This Skript is very well optimized and very adjustable to fit your server's needs (Check out the Spoiler at the very bottom to learn more)
Installation process: Download Skript here: https://github.com/SkriptLang/Skript/releases, restart your server, place resourceworld.sk into /plugins/Skript/scripts/, type /sk reload resourceworld.sk
Multiverse-Core is used to generate the world. You can download Multivere-Core here if you don't have it installed already: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/multiverse-core
90% of functionality is adjustable within the configuration section.
No addons (apart from Multiverse-Core) are required to run this Skript.
Fair note: It is expected for most servers to lag when getting teleported straight into an unloaded chunk, especially in a world that is renewed every once in a while. This can be solved by enabling Smart Search in the configuration c:
I will gladly help you with adjustments or installation through Discord (Sombrerian#0509)
Main purpose of a Resource world is to serve as temporary world for your players to gather materials in. Resource world is automatically renewed after a set period of time (configurable). This will keep your primary Survival world tidy and more appealing to newcomers. This Skript is very well optimized and very adjustable to fit your server's needs (Check out the Spoiler at the very bottom to learn more)
Installation process: Download Skript here: https://github.com/SkriptLang/Skript/releases, restart your server, place resourceworld.sk into /plugins/Skript/scripts/, type /sk reload resourceworld.sk
Multiverse-Core is used to generate the world. You can download Multivere-Core here if you don't have it installed already: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/multiverse-core
90% of functionality is adjustable within the configuration section.
No addons (apart from Multiverse-Core) are required to run this Skript.
Fair note: It is expected for most servers to lag when getting teleported straight into an unloaded chunk, especially in a world that is renewed every once in a while. This can be solved by enabling Smart Search in the configuration c:
I will gladly help you with adjustments or installation through Discord (Sombrerian#0509)
# What should the name of your resource world be?
world: resource_world
# Skript file name (resourceworld.sk)
# Every time a new resource world is created, we reload this file,
# so newly created world can be recognized by Skript. If you rename
# "resourceworld.sk" to something else, you must do that here as well!
filename: resourceworld.sk
# Minimum X & Z coordinates.
minimumxz: -1000
# Maximum X & Z coordinates.
maximumxz: 1000
# Reset timer (in seconds)
# How ofter should we reset the resource world?
# 24 hours: 86400 seconds,
# 3 days: 259200 seconds,
# 1 week: 604800 seconds etc...
resettimer: 86400
# Specify blocks to avoid from being dropped on. It is highly recommended to not
# remove default values, unless you want players drowning in lava.
# Valid blocks that can be blacklisted: https://github.com/SkriptLang/skript-aliases/blob/master/building.sk
blockblacklist: lava or water or cactus or bamboo or stone or any leaves
# How many times should we attempt to randomly teleport a player before giving up?
# This depends on blacklisted blocks. For example, if first location attempt
# is lava (assuming lava is under "blockblacklist"), then we increase attempt amount by 1 and try
# to find a new location for the player. Recommended and probably the most appropriate value is 20.
maxattempts: 20
# How long should the delay (in ticks) between teleportation attempts be?
# Lower value means faster teleportation attempts, but possible lag.
# It is recommended to keep this set to 5 (meaning max 4 attempts per second)
# 20 ticks = 1 second
attemptdelay: 5
# Warmup message
# Let players know that they are getting teleported to resource world.
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
warmupmessage: "&aHang tight... Looking for a safe spot!"
# Drop-off message
# Let players know that they were successfully teleported to resource world.
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
dropoffmessage: "&aYou have been dropped off at %location at player%"
# Resource world reset message
# Should we announce that resource world is about to reset?
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
announceresetmessage: "&aIts time for a new resource world, resetting now!"
# Console Post-reset command
# This is completely optional, but pretty useful in some cases.
# Post command is executed 1 second after resource world is reset.
# Set this to "none" if you don't wish to use post a command.
# -
# Useful examples?
# postresetcommand: "/eco give * 100"
# postresetcommand: "/heal *"
# postresetcommand: "/effect give @a minecraft:glowing 10"
# postresetcommand: "/tell * Hello World"
# postresetcommand: "/broadcast Everyone sees this!"
postresetcommand: "none"
# Console Post-TP command
# Same as Post-reset command... but executed every time a player teleports to resource world.
# Use %player% if you want to run a command specifically with that player's name. For example,
# if a player by the name of "Bob" teleports to resource world while Post-TP command is set to
# "/kick %player%", then Bob gets kicked.
posttpcommand: "none"
# Dedicated command
# Just in case you don't want players constantly typing /rw tp.
# This can be set to any non-existent command.
dedicatedcommand: /rworld
# Command cooldown (in seconds)
# Set this to 0 for no cooldown.
rwcooldown: 120
# Decreased command cooldown (in seconds)
# Possible donator perk? Players with permission "resourceworld.decreasedcooldown" will be
# cooled down for amount of seconds specified here, instead of regular "rwcooldown".
# Set this to 0 for no cooldown.
rwdecreasedcooldown: 20
# Cooldown message
# Players will be presented with this message when they try to randomly teleport while on cooldown.
# Only works if cooldowns are enabled.
# %{rwcooldown.%player%}% is the placeholder to show remaining seconds.
cooldownmessage: "&cYou are on cooldown, %{rwcooldown.%player%}%&c seconds remain!"
# Particle mode
# Particles are summoned at player's location once successfully teleported to resource world.
# Valid switches: none, ball, splash
# -
# none: Disable particles
# ball: Particles summoned in a 'ball'-a-like shape
# splash: Particles summoned beneath the player
particlesmode: "ball"
# Particle effect radius
# Only applies if you have particles set to "ball" or "splash".
particleradius: 2
# Particle type
# List of valid particles: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/particle_list_pc.php
# -
# Make sure to exclude underscores! For example, if you are setting your particle to
# enchanted_hit, remove _, having the final value set as: enchanted hit
particlestype: happy villager
# Sound effect
# List of valid sounds: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/sound_list_pc.php
# Set this to "none" if you don't wish to use sound effects.
# -
# Make sure to reaplce all dots with underscores! For example, if you are setting your sound effect
# to "BLOCK.BEEHIVE.SHEAR", replace all . with _, having the final value set as: "BLOCK_BEEHIVE_SHEAR"
# Smart location search
# When teleporting to resource world, the location which you are dropped off at is truly random...
# ...however servers tend to become laggy when chunks attempt to load out of the blue, especially
# on higher player counts.
# -
# Enabling smartsearch fixes this issue by storing exactly 32 safe locations and picking one
# where we then drop off the player. This will 100% fix chunk lag in case you are experiencing
# it when teleporting to the resource world.
# -
# Chunk lag is greatly decreased when players walk/fly into an unloaded chunk rather than getting
# teleported directly into it.
smartsearch: false
# Permission to use /resourceworld (and alias) administrative commands.
# Keep in mind that "resourceworld.use" is still needed no matter if
# player already has superuser "resourceworld.superuser" permission.
# Administrative commands: /rw reset, /rw setspawn
superuserpermission: resourceworld.superuser
# Permission to use /resourceworld (and alias) commands.
cmdpermission: resourceworld.use
# Should we enable debug mode?
# This will play unnecessary, but useful chat messages to the player.
# Valid switches: true/false
debug: false
# Resource world options bellow
# World difficulty
# Valid switches: peaceful, easy, normal, hard
rwdifficulty: hard
# Daylight cycle
# Valid switches: true/false
rwdaylightcyctle: true
# Weather cycle
# Valid switches: true/false
rwweathercyctle: true
# Mob spawning
# Valid switches: true/false
rwmobs: true
# PVP state
# Valid switches: true/false
rwpvp: true
# Keep inventory
# Valid switches: true/false
rwkeepinventory: false
world: resource_world
# Skript file name (resourceworld.sk)
# Every time a new resource world is created, we reload this file,
# so newly created world can be recognized by Skript. If you rename
# "resourceworld.sk" to something else, you must do that here as well!
filename: resourceworld.sk
# Minimum X & Z coordinates.
minimumxz: -1000
# Maximum X & Z coordinates.
maximumxz: 1000
# Reset timer (in seconds)
# How ofter should we reset the resource world?
# 24 hours: 86400 seconds,
# 3 days: 259200 seconds,
# 1 week: 604800 seconds etc...
resettimer: 86400
# Specify blocks to avoid from being dropped on. It is highly recommended to not
# remove default values, unless you want players drowning in lava.
# Valid blocks that can be blacklisted: https://github.com/SkriptLang/skript-aliases/blob/master/building.sk
blockblacklist: lava or water or cactus or bamboo or stone or any leaves
# How many times should we attempt to randomly teleport a player before giving up?
# This depends on blacklisted blocks. For example, if first location attempt
# is lava (assuming lava is under "blockblacklist"), then we increase attempt amount by 1 and try
# to find a new location for the player. Recommended and probably the most appropriate value is 20.
maxattempts: 20
# How long should the delay (in ticks) between teleportation attempts be?
# Lower value means faster teleportation attempts, but possible lag.
# It is recommended to keep this set to 5 (meaning max 4 attempts per second)
# 20 ticks = 1 second
attemptdelay: 5
# Warmup message
# Let players know that they are getting teleported to resource world.
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
warmupmessage: "&aHang tight... Looking for a safe spot!"
# Drop-off message
# Let players know that they were successfully teleported to resource world.
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
dropoffmessage: "&aYou have been dropped off at %location at player%"
# Resource world reset message
# Should we announce that resource world is about to reset?
# -
# Set to "none" to disable this feature.
announceresetmessage: "&aIts time for a new resource world, resetting now!"
# Console Post-reset command
# This is completely optional, but pretty useful in some cases.
# Post command is executed 1 second after resource world is reset.
# Set this to "none" if you don't wish to use post a command.
# -
# Useful examples?
# postresetcommand: "/eco give * 100"
# postresetcommand: "/heal *"
# postresetcommand: "/effect give @a minecraft:glowing 10"
# postresetcommand: "/tell * Hello World"
# postresetcommand: "/broadcast Everyone sees this!"
postresetcommand: "none"
# Console Post-TP command
# Same as Post-reset command... but executed every time a player teleports to resource world.
# Use %player% if you want to run a command specifically with that player's name. For example,
# if a player by the name of "Bob" teleports to resource world while Post-TP command is set to
# "/kick %player%", then Bob gets kicked.
posttpcommand: "none"
# Dedicated command
# Just in case you don't want players constantly typing /rw tp.
# This can be set to any non-existent command.
dedicatedcommand: /rworld
# Command cooldown (in seconds)
# Set this to 0 for no cooldown.
rwcooldown: 120
# Decreased command cooldown (in seconds)
# Possible donator perk? Players with permission "resourceworld.decreasedcooldown" will be
# cooled down for amount of seconds specified here, instead of regular "rwcooldown".
# Set this to 0 for no cooldown.
rwdecreasedcooldown: 20
# Cooldown message
# Players will be presented with this message when they try to randomly teleport while on cooldown.
# Only works if cooldowns are enabled.
# %{rwcooldown.%player%}% is the placeholder to show remaining seconds.
cooldownmessage: "&cYou are on cooldown, %{rwcooldown.%player%}%&c seconds remain!"
# Particle mode
# Particles are summoned at player's location once successfully teleported to resource world.
# Valid switches: none, ball, splash
# -
# none: Disable particles
# ball: Particles summoned in a 'ball'-a-like shape
# splash: Particles summoned beneath the player
particlesmode: "ball"
# Particle effect radius
# Only applies if you have particles set to "ball" or "splash".
particleradius: 2
# Particle type
# List of valid particles: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/particle_list_pc.php
# -
# Make sure to exclude underscores! For example, if you are setting your particle to
# enchanted_hit, remove _, having the final value set as: enchanted hit
particlestype: happy villager
# Sound effect
# List of valid sounds: https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/sound_list_pc.php
# Set this to "none" if you don't wish to use sound effects.
# -
# Make sure to reaplce all dots with underscores! For example, if you are setting your sound effect
# to "BLOCK.BEEHIVE.SHEAR", replace all . with _, having the final value set as: "BLOCK_BEEHIVE_SHEAR"
# Smart location search
# When teleporting to resource world, the location which you are dropped off at is truly random...
# ...however servers tend to become laggy when chunks attempt to load out of the blue, especially
# on higher player counts.
# -
# Enabling smartsearch fixes this issue by storing exactly 32 safe locations and picking one
# where we then drop off the player. This will 100% fix chunk lag in case you are experiencing
# it when teleporting to the resource world.
# -
# Chunk lag is greatly decreased when players walk/fly into an unloaded chunk rather than getting
# teleported directly into it.
smartsearch: false
# Permission to use /resourceworld (and alias) administrative commands.
# Keep in mind that "resourceworld.use" is still needed no matter if
# player already has superuser "resourceworld.superuser" permission.
# Administrative commands: /rw reset, /rw setspawn
superuserpermission: resourceworld.superuser
# Permission to use /resourceworld (and alias) commands.
cmdpermission: resourceworld.use
# Should we enable debug mode?
# This will play unnecessary, but useful chat messages to the player.
# Valid switches: true/false
debug: false
# Resource world options bellow
# World difficulty
# Valid switches: peaceful, easy, normal, hard
rwdifficulty: hard
# Daylight cycle
# Valid switches: true/false
rwdaylightcyctle: true
# Weather cycle
# Valid switches: true/false
rwweathercyctle: true
# Mob spawning
# Valid switches: true/false
rwmobs: true
# PVP state
# Valid switches: true/false
rwpvp: true
# Keep inventory
# Valid switches: true/false
rwkeepinventory: false
resourceworld.use Access to /rw, /rw tp & it's alias
resourceworld.superuser Access to /rw reset & /rw setspawn
resourceworld.superuser Access to /rw reset & /rw setspawn
Ssskript Discord server: https://discord.gg/XjMJC8xauf
My Discord: Sombrerian#0509
Email: [email protected]
My Discord: Sombrerian#0509
Email: [email protected]