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Current version: 4
This update adds general moderation features
This update adds /ban, /unban, /ipban, /mute, /unmute, /freeze and alt tracking(/alts)

chatter.chatlog - chat log related features
chatter.admin - global chat muting, filter editing, chat clearing
chatter.report - player reporting
chatter.report.review - report viewing
chatter.ban - banning players
chatter.mute - muting players
chatter.freeze - freezing players
chatter.alts - alt tracking
+3 created in options/config - chat cooldown related
[+] fixed bug that occurred when chat logs had been cleared previously, it would skip the time check
(happy valentines day)
Fixes issue where clients that stack repeated messages would bypass clear chat
Version: 3

[+] Chat logging
[+] Reporting

Please read thoroughly before leaving a bad review or asking for help(ask for help in discord if you need)

filtermsg: Message to send a player who says something that is in the filter
speakingtoofast: Chat cooldown message
chatismuted: Message to send to a player that tries to speak while the chat is muted
nochatdelay: Permission to give a rank no chat delay
chatspeed1: Permission to give a rank for 5 second chat delay
chatspeed2: Permission to give a rank for 10 second chat delay
chatlogclear: How often to clear the chat logs
(To my knowledge, if you dont give a rank/group a chat delay permission the delay wont be applied)

op - allows chatlog viewing and managing
chatter.admin - allows user to clear chat, mute chat and manage the filter
chatter.report - allows user to report other players
chatter.report.review - allows user to view reports
3 created in options/config (chat cool down ranks)

/clearmute - Clears and mutes the chat for players without the permission 'chatter.admin'
/mutechat - Toggles whether or not the chat is muted for players without the permission 'chatter.admin'
/chatter filter <add|remove|reset> - Manages the chat filter - chatter.admin
/filter [reset] - Reset or view the chat filter - chatter.admin
/report <player> <reason> - Report a rule breaker to staff - chatter.report / chatter.report.review to view reports
/chatlog <player> [page number] - View what a player has said - op
/chatlogclear - clears the chat log - op

If you find any bugs / exploits or have any feedback message ABadName#3227 on discord
Chatter was made to work without any addons, so if you have any errors its very likely to be caused by an addon

Known issues:
Issue: adding the phrase "filter add"(/chatter filter add filter add) will break the filter
solution: '/filter reset' or '/chatter filter remove filter remove'

For more support, join the discord:SPOILER="Discord"]https://discord.gg/wPcnhK7mjZ[/SPOILER]
1 space was missing
Chatter is a skript that allows you to add/remove specific words and phrases from your chat filter.


/chatter filter add <word/phrase>
/chatter filter remove <word/phrase>
/filter - lists blocked phrases
/clearmute - clears and mutes chat, but people with the permission chatter.admin will not have their chat cleared
/mutechat - mute chat, but people with the permission chatter.admin will still be able to chat
/clearchat - clears chat, but people with the permission chatter.admin will not have their chat cleared


chatter.admin - allows someone to view words in the /filter, add words, or remove words to you chat filter, bypass chat mute, and bypass clear chat

filtermsg: what the player sees when they say a filtered word
speakingtoofast: what the player sees when they are chatting too fast
chatismuted: what the player sees when they chat while the chat is muted
nochatdelay: the permission that grants no chat delay
chatspeed1: the permission that grants a 5s chat delay
chatspeed2: the permission that grants a 10s chat delay
