• Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

    If you haven't done so already, feel free to join our official Discord server to expand your level of interaction with the comminuty!

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.17
  2. 1.18
  3. 1.19
Version: 4

[-] Fixed Various bugs
[+] Player Banning
[+] Player IP-Banning
[+] Player Muting
[+] Player Freezing
[+] Alt tracking

Please read thoroughly before leaving a bad review or asking for help(ask for help in discord if you need)

punishmentappeallink:the link banned players will be directed to when punished.
defaultbanmsg: ban reason if reason is unspecified(also used for ipban)
defaultbantime: Ban time if left unspecified (also used for ipban)
defaultmutemsg: mute message if left unspecified
defaultmutetime: Mute time if left unspecified
filtermsg: message sent when a player says a filtered phrase
speakingtoofast: chat cooldown message
chatismuted: message sent when a player speaks while chat is muted
nochatdelay: permission for no chat delay
chatspeed1: permission for 5 second chat delay
chatspeed2: permission for 10 second chat delay
chatlogclear: how often chat is cleared
(To my knowledge, if you dont give a rank/group a chat delay permission the delay wont be applied)

chatter.chatlog - chat log related features
chatter.admin - global chat muting, filter editing, chat clearing
chatter.report - player reporting
chatter.report.review - report viewing
chatter.ban - banning players
chatter.mute - muting players
chatter.freeze - freezing players
chatter.alts - alt tracking
+3 created in options/config - chat cooldown related

/chatter - chatter.admin
/filter - chatter.admin
/clearmute - chatter.admin
/clearchat - chatter.admin
/mutechat - chatter.admin
/chatlogclear - chatter.chatlog
/chatlog - chatter.chatlog
/report - chatter.report
/ban - chatter.ban
/unban - chatter.ban
/mute - chatter.mute
/ipban - chatter.ban
/freeze - chatter.freeze

If you find any bugs / exploits or have any feedback message ABadName#3227 on discord
Chatter was made to work without any addons, so if you have any errors its very likely to be caused by an addon

Known issues:
Issue: adding the phrase "filter add"(/chatter filter add filter add) will break the filter
solution: '/filter reset' or '/chatter filter remove filter remove'

For more support, join the discord:
yea rite
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from yea rite

Latest updates

  1. General moderation

    Current version: 4 This update adds general moderation features This update adds /ban, /unban...
  2. Important bug fix

    Changelog: [+] fixed bug that occurred when chat logs had been cleared previously, it would skip...
  3. Clear chat bypass fix

    Fixes issue where clients that stack repeated messages would bypass clear chat