- Contributors
- AVeryBadName
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
Version: 4
[-] Fixed Various bugs
[+] Player Banning
[+] Player IP-Banning
[+] Player Muting
[+] Player Freezing
[+] Alt tracking
Please read thoroughly before leaving a bad review or asking for help(ask for help in discord if you need)
punishmentappeallink:the link banned players will be directed to when punished.
defaultbanmsg: ban reason if reason is unspecified(also used for ipban)
defaultbantime: Ban time if left unspecified (also used for ipban)
defaultmutemsg: mute message if left unspecified
defaultmutetime: Mute time if left unspecified
filtermsg: message sent when a player says a filtered phrase
speakingtoofast: chat cooldown message
chatismuted: message sent when a player speaks while chat is muted
nochatdelay: permission for no chat delay
chatspeed1: permission for 5 second chat delay
chatspeed2: permission for 10 second chat delay
chatlogclear: how often chat is cleared
(To my knowledge, if you dont give a rank/group a chat delay permission the delay wont be applied)
chatter.chatlog - chat log related features
chatter.admin - global chat muting, filter editing, chat clearing
chatter.report - player reporting
chatter.report.review - report viewing
chatter.ban - banning players
chatter.mute - muting players
chatter.freeze - freezing players
chatter.alts - alt tracking
+3 created in options/config - chat cooldown related
/chatter - chatter.admin
/filter - chatter.admin
/clearmute - chatter.admin
/clearchat - chatter.admin
/mutechat - chatter.admin
/chatlogclear - chatter.chatlog
/chatlog - chatter.chatlog
/report - chatter.report
/ban - chatter.ban
/unban - chatter.ban
/mute - chatter.mute
/ipban - chatter.ban
/freeze - chatter.freeze
If you find any bugs / exploits or have any feedback message ABadName#3227 on discord
Chatter was made to work without any addons, so if you have any errors its very likely to be caused by an addon
Known issues:
Issue: adding the phrase "filter add"(/chatter filter add filter add) will break the filter
solution: '/filter reset' or '/chatter filter remove filter remove'
For more support, join the discord:
[-] Fixed Various bugs
[+] Player Banning
[+] Player IP-Banning
[+] Player Muting
[+] Player Freezing
[+] Alt tracking
Please read thoroughly before leaving a bad review or asking for help(ask for help in discord if you need)
punishmentappeallink:the link banned players will be directed to when punished.
defaultbanmsg: ban reason if reason is unspecified(also used for ipban)
defaultbantime: Ban time if left unspecified (also used for ipban)
defaultmutemsg: mute message if left unspecified
defaultmutetime: Mute time if left unspecified
filtermsg: message sent when a player says a filtered phrase
speakingtoofast: chat cooldown message
chatismuted: message sent when a player speaks while chat is muted
nochatdelay: permission for no chat delay
chatspeed1: permission for 5 second chat delay
chatspeed2: permission for 10 second chat delay
chatlogclear: how often chat is cleared
(To my knowledge, if you dont give a rank/group a chat delay permission the delay wont be applied)
chatter.chatlog - chat log related features
chatter.admin - global chat muting, filter editing, chat clearing
chatter.report - player reporting
chatter.report.review - report viewing
chatter.ban - banning players
chatter.mute - muting players
chatter.freeze - freezing players
chatter.alts - alt tracking
+3 created in options/config - chat cooldown related
/chatter - chatter.admin
/filter - chatter.admin
/clearmute - chatter.admin
/clearchat - chatter.admin
/mutechat - chatter.admin
/chatlogclear - chatter.chatlog
/chatlog - chatter.chatlog
/report - chatter.report
/ban - chatter.ban
/unban - chatter.ban
/mute - chatter.mute
/ipban - chatter.ban
/freeze - chatter.freeze
If you find any bugs / exploits or have any feedback message ABadName#3227 on discord
Chatter was made to work without any addons, so if you have any errors its very likely to be caused by an addon
Known issues:
Issue: adding the phrase "filter add"(/chatter filter add filter add) will break the filter
solution: '/filter reset' or '/chatter filter remove filter remove'
For more support, join the discord: