⚔ SkRPG - Create RPG Stats !  ✅ +15 Pre-made stats ✅ Fully customizable ✅ Easy API ✅ & More !

Script ⚔ SkRPG - Create RPG Stats ! ✅ +15 Pre-made stats ✅ Fully customizable ✅ Easy API ✅ & More ! 1.9

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Now SkRPG works with newer versions of SkBee!


Added stats:
- fishing_luck (has no uses yet)
- attack_speed
- scale
- mining_speed
- xp_bonus

* Added function skRPGPauseActionBar(<player>, <seconds>) to pause the action bar of a player.
* Stats foraging_fortune, mining_fortune and farming_fortune now works by default. (You can change that ofc)
* Fixed small mistakes in code

Added function skRPGItemsAddonReturnStatLine(<stat>, <amount>) to return a formatted string line from a stat and an amount. Useful for adding a stat line in a lore by yourself.
* Added option 'addinlore' (true/false) in function skRPGItemsAddonSetStat. Set to false to hide yout stat in the lore.

New things to come soon! :emoji_slight_smile:
Updated SkRPGItemsAddon for 1.21.
Other addons and SkRPG works fine with 1.21 without updates.

* Fixed a bug with SkRPGTemporaryStats Addon that could give stats above the limit. This issue could remove incorrect stat amount at the end of the timer.

* Added a command /skrpgt <player> <stat> <amount> <timespan> for SkRPGTemporaryStats. Useful for MythicMobs skills etc, as it can be used by the console.
Added a new function!

- skRPGDisableActionBarDuration(player, timespan)

Allows disabling a player's action bar temporarily. Useful if you want to send
messages without stacking multiple action bars.
Fixed various bugs.

This version fixes a bug with Vitality stat that prevents player from respawning.
Added 'tool-change' event for updating stats
Updated SkRPG.sk to fix a bug preventing players from respawning.
Fixed an issue with base amount of stats not working.
New addon released!

Another one! Adds 6 new elemental stats.

Moreover you can configure weaknesses and resistances of MythicMobs
in the config file of the addon.

Download here

Enjoy :emoji_slight_smile:
Yep. Another addon !

SkRPGTemporaryStat is available here

This addon allows to give temporary stat bonuses for players.

Very useful for boosters, potions or whatever your like.

Enjoy :emoji_slight_smile: