Skellett - The beast addon!

Addon Skellett - The beast addon! 2.0.10

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Hello @LimeGlass
@WheezyGold7931 made a Bungee Server selector skript and there are some errors with your plugin.

Issue 1 When i open the menu with /server, it gives me this error in Lobby-1 Console
If i type in /server in the other servers it does the same thing.

Issue 2 If i click an empty inventory space this is what it tells me in Bungeecord ->

Someone on discord (cant remember the name) told me that Skelett was causing these errors.
They are only console spams tho so @WheezyGold7931's scripts work, just console gets a lot of spam
Hello @LimeGlass
@WheezyGold7931 made a Bungee Server selector skript and there are some errors with your plugin.

Issue 1 When i open the menu with /server, it gives me this error in Lobby-1 Console
If i type in /server in the other servers it does the same thing.

Issue 2 If i click an empty inventory space this is what it tells me in Bungeecord ->

Someone on discord (cant remember the name) told me that Skelett was causing these errors.
They are only console spams tho so @WheezyGold7931's scripts work, just console gets a lot of spam
The first error is because a server is not in the server tracker.
LimeGlass updated Skellett - The addon with a beast name with a new update entry:

Back on track

Hello guys! Sorry about missing last week's update. Skellett releases an update every week and last week I was on vacation so I missed that update. Sorry about that. This update has alot of features to make up for that :emoji_stuck_out_tongue:

- Full RedisBungee support
- A method invoke effect.
- Loaded chunks of a world
- Java version
- Date from milliseconds expression
- Material cooldowns

- The...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello the support of npc dont works in 1.8.8 ? :/
Edit: Just "on npc click" dont works ^^
That's a Citizens error. Report it to them as it has been many times before.

A work around for it is

on rightclick on entity:
    if clicked entity is a npc:
        set {_npc} to npc from entity clicked entity
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Okey i have use your custom event for add LeftClickEvent and RightClickEvent ^^
[doublepost=1493336585,1493330175][/doublepost]Its possible with Skellett
execute method "setBukkitEntityType(EnderDragon)" from {_npc}
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@LimeGlass how can I disguise a zombie as a rabbit? Currently I am able to only disguise players, right? Is this something you could add then?

Also, how to set the armor (helmet etc.) of a disguised mob?

For example, MythicMobs supports this, too. Would be awesome for creating custom mobs.

Also would you be able to add pathgoals to be set on entities? skStuff's pathgoals seem to be broken for me.

And this won't work for me:
set {_d} to new disguise with type ZOMBIE with baby state true
# always will disguise as normal zombie but not baby zombie
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Hello LimeGlass, can you explain me what I'm doing wrong? :emoji_astonished:
on inventory click:
    broadcast "Item: &5%clicked item%"
Result: ERROR cant understand this expression.
Skellett version : 1.8.9
Skript : 2.2-dev24b
I found this expression from docs and we removed Umbaska.