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Apr 17, 2022
Hi im trying to make a poll skript with a GUI but i have no idea how to do that so i need some help.Thanks!

Quick Edit: I need it so i can also edit the answers
/poll start - Start a poll
/poll set <Answer1> <Answer2> <Answer3> <Answer4> <Question>
/poll result - Show the results
/poll join - Join the poll

alertMessage - What the broadcasted message is when you start the poll
alreadyVotedMessage - What message is sent if you try to enter the poll multiple times
voteCounterMessage - How the votes are displayed. eg. " votes!" " people has voted for this!" will be displayed like this "5 votes!" "3 people has voted for this!" etc.
adminPermission - Permission for starting, setting answers and questions, and getting the result for the previous poll

    # Do not change!
    question: {@question}
    answer1: {@answer1}
    answer2: {@answer2}
    answer3: {@answer3}
    answer4: {@answer4}

    # You can change this
    alertMessage: "&6A poll is happening right<tooltip:&aClick here to vote in a poll><command:/poll join> &a&lhere<reset><reset>&6!"
    alreadyVotedMessage: "&cYou have already voted!"
    voteCounterMessage: "&6votes"

    # And this
    adminPermission: "op"

command /poll <text> [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        arg-1 is "start":
            set {poll.ans1} to 0
            set {poll.ans2} to 0
            set {poll.ans3} to 0
            set {poll.ans4} to 0
            clear {poll.votes::*}

            set metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lPOLL"
            set slot 4 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to paper named "&f&lQuestion" with lore "&6%{@question}%"
            set slot 10 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to red terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer1}%"
            set slot 12 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to lime terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer2}%"
            set slot 14 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to blue terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer3}%"
            set slot 16 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to yellow terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer4}%"
            broadcast {@alertMessage}

        arg-1 is "set":
            player has permission {@adminPermission}:
                set {@answer1} to arg-2
                set {@answer2} to arg-3
                set {@answer3} to arg-4
                set {@answer4} to arg-5
                set {@question} to arg-6

                send "Answer 1 set to: %{@answer1}%"
                send "Answer 2 set to: %{@answer2}%"
                send "Answer 3 set to: %{@answer3}%"
                send "Answer 4 set to: %{@answer4}%"
                send "Question set to: %{@question}%"

        arg-1 is "result":
            player has permission {@adminPermission}:
                set metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lPOLL"
                set slot 4 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to paper named "&f&lQuestion" with lore "&6%{@question}%"
                set slot 10 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to red terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer1}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans1}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                set slot 12 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to lime terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer2}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans2}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                set slot 14 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to blue terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer3}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans3}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                set slot 16 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to yellow terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer4}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans4}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                open (metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player) to player
        arg-1 is "join":
            if {poll.votes::*} contains player:
                send {@alreadyVotedMessage} to player
                open (metadata tag "pollGUI" of player) to player

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "pollGUI" of player):
        cancel event
        add player to {poll.votes::*}

        if event-slot is 10:
            add 1 to {poll.ans1}
            close player's inventory
        if event-slot is 12:
            add 1 to {poll.ans2}
            close player's inventory
        if event-slot is 14:
            add 1 to {poll.ans3}
            close player's inventory
        if event-slot is 16:
            add 1 to {poll.ans4}
            close player's inventory
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player):
        cancel event
/poll start - Start a poll
/poll set <Answer1> <Answer2> <Answer3> <Answer4> <Question>
/poll result - Show the results
/poll join - Join the poll

alertMessage - What the broadcasted message is when you start the poll
alreadyVotedMessage - What message is sent if you try to enter the poll multiple times
voteCounterMessage - How the votes are displayed. eg. " votes!" " people has voted for this!" will be displayed like this "5 votes!" "3 people has voted for this!" etc.
adminPermission - Permission for starting, setting answers and questions, and getting the result for the previous poll

    # Do not change!
    question: {@question}
    answer1: {@answer1}
    answer2: {@answer2}
    answer3: {@answer3}
    answer4: {@answer4}

    # You can change this
    alertMessage: "&6A poll is happening right<tooltip:&aClick here to vote in a poll><command:/poll join> &a&lhere<reset><reset>&6!"
    alreadyVotedMessage: "&cYou have already voted!"
    voteCounterMessage: "&6votes"

    # And this
    adminPermission: "op"

command /poll <text> [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        arg-1 is "start":
            set {poll.ans1} to 0
            set {poll.ans2} to 0
            set {poll.ans3} to 0
            set {poll.ans4} to 0
            clear {poll.votes::*}

            set metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lPOLL"
            set slot 4 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to paper named "&f&lQuestion" with lore "&6%{@question}%"
            set slot 10 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to red terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer1}%"
            set slot 12 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to lime terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer2}%"
            set slot 14 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to blue terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer3}%"
            set slot 16 of metadata tag "pollGUI" of player to yellow terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer4}%"
            broadcast {@alertMessage}

        arg-1 is "set":
            player has permission {@adminPermission}:
                set {@answer1} to arg-2
                set {@answer2} to arg-3
                set {@answer3} to arg-4
                set {@answer4} to arg-5
                set {@question} to arg-6

                send "Answer 1 set to: %{@answer1}%"
                send "Answer 2 set to: %{@answer2}%"
                send "Answer 3 set to: %{@answer3}%"
                send "Answer 4 set to: %{@answer4}%"
                send "Question set to: %{@question}%"

        arg-1 is "result":
            player has permission {@adminPermission}:
                set metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lPOLL"
                set slot 4 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to paper named "&f&lQuestion" with lore "&6%{@question}%"
                set slot 10 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to red terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer1}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans1}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                set slot 12 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to lime terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer2}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans2}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                set slot 14 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to blue terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer3}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans3}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                set slot 16 of metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player to yellow terracotta named "&6&l%{@answer4}%" with lore "&6&l%{poll.ans4}% %{@voteCounterMessage}%"
                open (metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player) to player
        arg-1 is "join":
            if {poll.votes::*} contains player:
                send {@alreadyVotedMessage} to player
                open (metadata tag "pollGUI" of player) to player

on inventory click:
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "pollGUI" of player):
        cancel event
        add player to {poll.votes::*}

        if event-slot is 10:
            add 1 to {poll.ans1}
            close player's inventory
        if event-slot is 12:
            add 1 to {poll.ans2}
            close player's inventory
        if event-slot is 14:
            add 1 to {poll.ans3}
            close player's inventory
        if event-slot is 16:
            add 1 to {poll.ans4}
            close player's inventory
    if event-inventory = (metadata tag "pollResultGUI" of player):
        cancel event
thanks it worked!
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