Help with making a "minigun"

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New Member
Jan 28, 2021
So my code is as follows

on right click with bow:
execute console command "execute as @p at @p run summon arrow ~ ~ ~ {Motion:[1.0,0.0,0.0]}":

I'm trying to make it fire in a direction, but when i try to run it, it shows as an error but there is no error without the motion nbt tag.
simple code, the tool needs to be a diamond hoe and named Machine Gun.
on right click:
    if player's tool is diamond hoe:
        if uncolored name of player's tool is "Machine Gun":
            cancel event
            loop 2 times:
                shoot an arrow at speed 0.9
                push the player backwards at velocity 0.03
                wait a tick
                shoot an arrow at speed 0.9
                wait a tick
                shoot an arrow at speed 0.9
simple code, the tool needs to be a diamond hoe and named Machine Gun.
on right click:
    if player's tool is diamond hoe:
        if uncolored name of player's tool is "Machine Gun":
            cancel event
            loop 2 times:
                shoot an arrow at speed 0.9
                push the player backwards at velocity 0.03
                wait a tick
                shoot an arrow at speed 0.9
                wait a tick
                shoot an arrow at speed 0.9
thank you!
thank you!
mark issue as solved

also i made a GUN script so here u go
command /weapon [<text>] [<player>]:
  permission: manager
    if arg-2 is not set:
      send "/weapon <weapon type or list> <player>"
    if arg-2 is set:
      if arg-1 is "list":
        send "1) AK-47"
        SEND "2) Bazooka"
      if arg-1 is "ak47":
        give arg-2 stick named "&cAK-47" with lore "&7Right click from a distance at a player.%newline%&7you're gonna be there soon :]"
        send "&aGave &f%arg-2% &aan AK-47." to player
      if arg-1 is "bazooka":
        give arg-2 diamond shovel named "&2&lBAZOOKA" with lore "&7Right click from a distance at a player.%newline%&7but it's &2&lBOOM BOOM&7..."
        send "&aGave &f%arg-2% &aa Bazooka." to player
on damage:
  projectile is a snowball
  attacker is holding a stick named "&cAK-47" with lore "&7Right click from a distance at a player.%newline%&7you're gonna be there soon :]":
    damage victim by 2 hearts
on projectile hit:
  projectile is an egg
  shooter is holding a diamond shovel named "&2&lBAZOOKA" with lore "&7Right click from a distance at a player.%newline%&7but it's &2&lBOOM BOOM&7...":
    shooter is in world "eventshub" or "allevents" or "build" or "parkours":
      send "&cBuddy not today. Be in another world not the %shooter's world% &cworld..." to shooter
      loop all living entities in radius 10 around projectile:
        damage loop-entity by 9 hearts
      create an explosion of force 10 at projectile
      set {air} to air
      loop all blocks in radius 5 around projectile:
        loop-block is not bedrock:
          set loop-block to {air}
on right click:
  player is holding a stick named "&cAK-47" with lore "&7Right click from a distance at a player.%newline%&7you're gonna be there soon :]":
    if {ammoak47.%player%} is greater or equal to 20:
      send "&aWeapon needs a reload! Left click to reload!"
      shoot a snowball from player at speed 5
      add 1 to {ammoak47.%player%}
on left click:
  player is holding a stick named "&cAK-47" with lore "&7Right click from a distance at a player.%newline%&7you're gonna be there soon :]":
    if {reloading.%player%} is true:
      send "&cYou're already reloading muffin head...."
      set {reloading.%player%} to true
      send "&aReloading."
      wait 15 ticks
      send "&aReloading.."
      wait 15 ticks
      send "&aReloading..."
      wait 15 ticks
      clear {ammoak47.%player%}
      send "&aReload succeeded! You may now shoot."
      set {reloading.%player%} to false
on rightclick:
  player is holding a diamond shovel named "&2&lBAZOOKA" with lore "&7Right click from a distance at a player.%newline%&7but it's &2&lBOOM BOOM&7...":
    set {baz} to difference between {baz.%player%} and now
    if {baz} is less than 5 seconds:
      send "&aReloading..."
    set {baz.%player%} to now
    shoot an egg from player at speed 0.9

it has bazooka and ak47 and it can reload. every 20 bullets ak will reload and every 1 bullet bazooka will reload.
left click to reload. bazooka automatically reloads
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