Solved Nickname

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Aug 9, 2017
Hey, I've been making a skript command, although when I nick myself, this happens (See Picture)
It shows twice the nicked username.

on chat:
    if {Name.%UUID of player%} is {Name.%UUID of player%}:
        broadcast "&9%{Name.%UUID of player%}% &8» &f%message%"
        #This one is for my ranking system
        broadcast "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player% &8» &f%message%"

#Nick command
command /nick [<text>]:
    permission: tullycore.nick
    permission message: &a&lTULLYCORE &cYou can't execute this command, You need to be the VIP rank or higher!
        if arg is not set:
            send "{@secprefix} &cIncorrect usage, Try /nick (Username)"
        if arg 1 is "iJoin":
            send "{@secprefix} &cCan't nick yourself as iJoin."
        if arg 1 is "off":
            set player tab name to "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player%"
            set player's display name to "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player%"
            message "{@secprefix} &aYou are no longer nicked!"
            clear {Name.%UUID of player%}
        if arg 1 is not "off":
            set player's display name to "&9%arg 1%"
            set player tab name to "&9%arg 1%"
            send "{@secprefix} &aYou are now nicked as %arg 1%!" to player
            set {Name.%UUID of player%} to arg 1

on join:
    set player tab name to {Name.%UUID of player%}
    set player's display name to {Name.%UUID of player%}


  • Screenshot_2.png
    22.4 KB · Views: 246
Hey, I've been making a skript command, although when I nick myself, this happens (See Picture)
It shows twice the nicked username.

on chat:
    if {Name.%UUID of player%} is {Name.%UUID of player%}:
        broadcast "&9%{Name.%UUID of player%}% &8» &f%message%"
        #This one is for my ranking system
        broadcast "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player% &8» &f%message%"

#Nick command
command /nick [<text>]:
    permission: tullycore.nick
    permission message: &a&lTULLYCORE &cYou can't execute this command, You need to be the VIP rank or higher!
        if arg is not set:
            send "{@secprefix} &cIncorrect usage, Try /nick (Username)"
        if arg 1 is "iJoin":
            send "{@secprefix} &cCan't nick yourself as iJoin."
        if arg 1 is "off":
            set player tab name to "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player%"
            set player's display name to "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player%"
            message "{@secprefix} &aYou are no longer nicked!"
            clear {Name.%UUID of player%}
        if arg 1 is not "off":
            set player's display name to "&9%arg 1%"
            set player tab name to "&9%arg 1%"
            send "{@secprefix} &aYou are now nicked as %arg 1%!" to player
            set {Name.%UUID of player%} to arg 1

on join:
    set player tab name to {Name.%UUID of player%}
    set player's display name to {Name.%UUID of player%}
You need to cancel the chat event then broadcast the message
on chat:
    if {Name.%UUID of player%} is {Name.%UUID of player%}:
        cancel event
        broadcast "&9%{Name.%UUID of player%}% &8» &f%message%"
        #This one is for my ranking system
        cancel event
        broadcast "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player% &8» &f%message%"
unrelated side-note: idk if it was a typo but checking if {Name.%UUID of player%} is {Name.%UUID of player%} (line 3 in original code) is pointless because itll always be true since its the same variable. its like asking if 1 = 1
You need to cancel the chat event then broadcast the message
on chat:
    if {Name.%UUID of player%} is {Name.%UUID of player%}:
        cancel event
        broadcast "&9%{Name.%UUID of player%}% &8» &f%message%"
        #This one is for my ranking system
        cancel event
        broadcast "%{tullycore.rank.%player%}%%player% &8» &f%message%"
unrelated side-note: idk if it was a typo but checking if {Name.%UUID of player%} is {Name.%UUID of player%} (line 3 in original code) is pointless because itll always be true since its the same variable. its like asking if 1 = 1
You don't even know how much I've been working on it, but every time it's just not working, but you helped me and now it's working!
Thanks so much!
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