Variable Problems

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Apr 30, 2024

command /lootbox [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
permission: skript.lootbox.admin
if arg-1 = "create":
if {lootbox::list::*} does not contain arg-2:
add arg-2 to {lootbox::list::*}
set {lootbox::%arg-2%::color} to "%coloured arg-3%"
set {lootbox::%arg-2%::name} to "%arg-2%"
set {lootbox::%arg-2%::item} to player's tool named "%coloured arg-3%%arg-2% LOOTBOX"
add {lootbox::%arg-2%::item} to {lootbox::items::*}
enchant {lootbox::%arg-2%::item} with mending 1
send "<##FCFF00>&lLOOTBOX &7| Created lootbox %{lootbox::%arg-2%::name}%!" to player
send "&cThis lootbox already exist!" to player
if arg-1 = "additem":
if {lootbox::list::*} contains arg-2:
if {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::*} does not contain player's tool:
add player's tool to {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::*}
send "&aSucess!" to player
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-5 is set:
set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5%"
if arg-6 is set:
set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5% %arg-6%"
if arg-7 is set:
set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5% %arg-6% %arg-7%"
if arg-8 is set:
set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5% %arg-6% %arg-7% %arg-8%"

broadcast {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command}
set {e} to {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command}
if arg-1 = "give":
set {_player} to arg-3 parsed as a player
give {_player} {lootbox::%arg-2%::item}

on right click with shulker box:
if {lootbox::items::*} contains player's tool:
cancel event
set {_lootbox} to uncolored name of player's tool
replace all " LOOTBOX" with "" in {_lootbox}
set {_rewards} to (random element of {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::*})
send {_lootbox} to player
send {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} to player
send {_rewards} to player

if {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} isn't set:
give player {_rewards}
send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player
remove player's tool from player's inventory
execute console command "%{lootbox::%{_rewards}%::item::command}%"
send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player

This is the part that doesn't work:
on right click with shulker box:
if {lootbox::items::*} contains player's tool:
cancel event
set {_lootbox} to uncolored name of player's tool
replace all " LOOTBOX" with "" in {_lootbox}
set {_rewards} to (random element of {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::*})
send {_lootbox} to player
send {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} to player
send {_rewards} to player

if {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} isn't set:
give player {_rewards}
send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player
remove player's tool from player's inventory
execute console command "%{lootbox::%{_rewards}%::item::command}%"
send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player

When adding the item with a command attached to it, it says the varaible is set BUT when I do if {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} isn't set: it return as not set
Last edited:
command /lootbox [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
    permission: skript.lootbox.admin
        if arg-1 = "create":
            if {lootbox::list::*} does not contain arg-2:
                add arg-2 to {lootbox::list::*}
                set {lootbox::%arg-2%::color} to "%coloured arg-3%"
                set {lootbox::%arg-2%::name} to "%arg-2%"
                set {lootbox::%arg-2%::item} to player's tool named "%coloured arg-3%%arg-2% LOOTBOX"
                add {lootbox::%arg-2%::item} to {lootbox::items::*}
                enchant {lootbox::%arg-2%::item} with mending 1
                send "<##FCFF00>&lLOOTBOX &7| Created lootbox %{lootbox::%arg-2%::name}%!" to player
                send "&cThis lootbox already exist!" to player
        if arg-1 = "additem":
            if {lootbox::list::*} contains arg-2:
                if {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::*} does not contain player's tool:
                    add player's tool to {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::*}
                    send "&aSucess!" to player
                    if arg-3 is set:
                        if arg-5 is set:
                            set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5%"
                            if arg-6 is set:
                                set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5% %arg-6%"
                                if arg-7 is set:
                                    set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5% %arg-6% %arg-7%"
                                    if arg-8 is set:
                                        set {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command} to "%arg-3% %arg-4% %arg-5% %arg-6% %arg-7% %arg-8%"
                        broadcast {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command}
                        set {e} to {lootbox::%arg-2%::rewards::%player's tool%::command}
        if arg-1 = "give":
            set {_player} to arg-3 parsed as a player
            give {_player} {lootbox::%arg-2%::item}

on right click with shulker box:
    if {lootbox::items::*} contains player's tool:
        cancel event
        set {_lootbox} to uncolored name of player's tool
        replace all " LOOTBOX" with "" in {_lootbox}
        set {_rewards} to (random element of {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::*})
        send {_lootbox} to player
        send {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} to player
        send {_rewards} to player
        if {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} isn't set:
            give player {_rewards}
            send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player
            remove player's tool from player's inventory
            execute console command "%{lootbox::%{_rewards}%::item::command}%"
            send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player
This is the part that doesn't work:
on right click with shulker box:
    if {lootbox::items::*} contains player's tool:
        cancel event
        set {_lootbox} to uncolored name of player's tool
        replace all " LOOTBOX" with "" in {_lootbox}
        set {_rewards} to (random element of {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::*})
        send {_lootbox} to player
        send {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} to player
        send {_rewards} to player
        if {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} isn't set:
            give player {_rewards}
            send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player
            remove player's tool from player's inventory
            execute console command "%{lootbox::%{_rewards}%::item::command}%"
            send "<##FF0000>&lLOOTBOX &8| &7You have recieved %({_rewards}'s name)%!" to player
When adding the item with a command attached to it, it says the varaible is set BUT when I do if {lootbox::%{_lootbox}%::rewards::%{_rewards}%::command} isn't set: it return as not set