TempBan Gui

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Aug 12, 2019
What I want: I Want a Ban Gui That Can ban anyone and that doesnt use the /tempban command for Essentials I want this to be a seprate plugin. Whats The Command? I Want It To be /Tempban <Name> Then a gui pops up

Verison: 1.14.4 :emoji_grinning:

Permissions: I Want the permissions to be Tempban.2row For Jrmods,Mods So They can only use the 1st 2 rows
And for the SrMods and higher I want the permission to be Tempban.3row so they have all the ban reasons and can perm ban! I would love it if you can make it so only people with the permission Tempban.broadcast can see the ban that you made and I want the ban message to be: <Name> has banned: <name> for <reason> <how ever long the ban is>

TempBan Times: Diamond ORE: 3 Day ban XRAY,Feather: 14 Day ban Fly,Iron Sword: 30 Day Ban PVP HACKS, EnderChest: 7 day ban for exploiting/Glitching,TNT: Greif 30 day ban,Book and Quil: Harassment 35 days, Creeper Head: Staff Disrespect, Compass: Advertising, White Bed, Minor Offence, 2 Hours,Wood Sword: Auto Clicker, 30 day,Book: Spam 3 day ban, Coal Block: Racism: 10 days,Leather: Inappropriate Skin, 30 day ban, Command Block: Botting/Raiding, 30 day ban,Web: FreeCam, 21 day ban, Armor Stand: Crouch Spam, 3 day ban, Dispenser: Lag Machine 37 day ban, Diamond Block: Hacked Creative Items/Duplication, 15 day ban, Coal Ore: 1 Hr Manual ban, RedStone Ore: 6 Hr Manual ban, Lapis Ore: 12 Hr Manual ban,Iron Ore: 24 hr ban, Gold Ore 14 day Manual ban, Emerald Ore: 30 day Manual ban, Diamond Ore 60 Day Manual ban, Slime Block: 90 day Manual Ban, BedRock Perm ban.

I Want A Ban message Permission: tempban.broadcast so Helpers and people with this Permission can see the ban
What I want: I Want a Ban Gui That Uses /tempban command I want to be able to ban anyone with this plugin thanks!

I want this by whenever u can get this done I REALLY NEED IT
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It's me Nacho2012_Premi
Here you go:
command /tempban:
permission: Tempban.2row
permission message: &4You must be Mod rank or higher to do this Command!
open chest with 2 rows named "&eBan Gui" to player
format slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "&cKillaura" with lore "&eBan the player for Killaura!" to close then run [make console execute command "/tempban %arg-1% 10d Killaura Detected"]
format slot 5 of player with steak named "FastEat" with lore "&eBan the player for FastEat!" to close then run [make console execute command /tempban %arg-1% 3d FastEat Detected"]

I'm not done with the other parts, I'm doing it in a pastebin
It's me Nacho2012_Premi
Here you go:
command /tempban:
permission: Tempban.2row
permission message: &4You must be Mod rank or higher to do this Command!
open chest with 2 rows named "&eBan Gui" to player
format slot 0 of player with diamond sword named "&cKillaura" with lore "&eBan the player for Killaura!" to close then run [make console execute command "/tempban %arg-1% 10d Killaura Detected"]
format slot 5 of player with steak named "FastEat" with lore "&eBan the player for FastEat!" to close then run [make console execute command /tempban %arg-1% 3d FastEat Detected"]

I'm not done with the other parts, I'm doing it in a pastebin
A Bit of a problem the Gui comes up but no reasons its just blank