Ayham Alali submitted a new resource:
Sublime text 3 - Skript Syntax Highlighting - A cool sublime text 3 syntax highlight for skript
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Sublime text 3 - Skript Syntax Highlighting - A cool sublime text 3 syntax highlight for skript
To make it more amazing use material them
How to install:
1- After downloading the .zip file, go to "%appdata%\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\"
2- Move the downloaded file "console-textline-panel.sublime" to "%appdata%\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\"
3- Open sublime text 3
4- Open any skript codes (*.sk)
5- Go to View>Syntax>Console
6- If you want to make this syntax apply by default to all the .sk files go to View>Syntax>Open...
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