Hey bois and girls.
Im in the making of a drug lab skript. And i wanna make it so if u take damage the loop stops. This is what i have a this point in time.
on rightclick on dropper:
if "%region at event-block%" contains "Druglaborken":
cancel event
if {drugcooldown.%uuid of player%} is not set:
if {drugigang.%uuid of player%} is not set:
if player's inventory contains 1 wheat_item named "":
if player's inventory contains 1 flower_pot_item named "&7Poser &8&l( &a1 stk &8&l)":
if player has permission "druglab.donator":
set {drugigang.%uuid of player%} to 1
set {drugcooldown.%uuid of player%} to 1
set {drughash.%uuid of player%} to 1
remove 1 flower_pot named "&7Poser &8&l( &a1 stk &8&l)" from player's inventory
remove 1 wheat_item named "" from player's inventory
set {drugigang.%uuid of player%.freeze} to location of player
send "&5&lDrug Lab &7Påbegynder cutting af &8&lHash &8&l(&a2 Gram&8&l)" to player
if {online.%uuid of player%} is "Online":
set {_process.%uuid of player%} to 0
loop 100 times:
wait 1.2 ticks
add 1 to {_process.%uuid of player%}
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 0 and 9:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::&7&l:::::::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 10 and 19:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::&7&l:::::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 20 and 29:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::&7&l:::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 30 and 39:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::&7&l:::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 40 and 49:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::&7&l:::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 50 and 59:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::&7&l:::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 60 and 69:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::::&7&l:::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 70 and 79:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::::::&7&l:::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 80 and 89:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::::::::&7&l:: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 90 and 100:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l:::::::::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
wait 2 ticks
if {online.%uuid of player%} is "Online":
if {drugigang.%uuid of player%} is 1:
give player 1 wheat_item named "&8&lHash &8&l(&a2 Gram&8&l)"
send "" to player
send "&5&lDrug Lab &7Dit cut blev færdig gjordt uden fejl!" to player
send "" to player
wait 3 ticks
delete {drugigang.%uuid of player%}
wait 2 seconds
delete {drugcooldown.%uuid of player%}
Does anyone know how to stop the loop if u take damage, or is it impossible?
Im sry the skript looks wierd, im new to this forum
Im in the making of a drug lab skript. And i wanna make it so if u take damage the loop stops. This is what i have a this point in time.
on rightclick on dropper:
if "%region at event-block%" contains "Druglaborken":
cancel event
if {drugcooldown.%uuid of player%} is not set:
if {drugigang.%uuid of player%} is not set:
if player's inventory contains 1 wheat_item named "":
if player's inventory contains 1 flower_pot_item named "&7Poser &8&l( &a1 stk &8&l)":
if player has permission "druglab.donator":
set {drugigang.%uuid of player%} to 1
set {drugcooldown.%uuid of player%} to 1
set {drughash.%uuid of player%} to 1
remove 1 flower_pot named "&7Poser &8&l( &a1 stk &8&l)" from player's inventory
remove 1 wheat_item named "" from player's inventory
set {drugigang.%uuid of player%.freeze} to location of player
send "&5&lDrug Lab &7Påbegynder cutting af &8&lHash &8&l(&a2 Gram&8&l)" to player
if {online.%uuid of player%} is "Online":
set {_process.%uuid of player%} to 0
loop 100 times:
wait 1.2 ticks
add 1 to {_process.%uuid of player%}
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 0 and 9:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::&7&l:::::::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 10 and 19:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::&7&l:::::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 20 and 29:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::&7&l:::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 30 and 39:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::&7&l:::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 40 and 49:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::&7&l:::::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 50 and 59:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::&7&l:::::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 60 and 69:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::::&7&l:::::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 70 and 79:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::::::&7&l:::: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 80 and 89:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l::::::::::::::::::&7&l:: &8&l)" to player
if {_process.%uuid of player%} is between 90 and 100:
show an actionbar from "&5&lDrug Lab&7 Process &8&l(&a&l %{_process.%uuid of player%}%%% &8&l) &8&l( &a&l:::::::::::::::::::: &8&l)" to player
wait 2 ticks
if {online.%uuid of player%} is "Online":
if {drugigang.%uuid of player%} is 1:
give player 1 wheat_item named "&8&lHash &8&l(&a2 Gram&8&l)"
send "" to player
send "&5&lDrug Lab &7Dit cut blev færdig gjordt uden fejl!" to player
send "" to player
wait 3 ticks
delete {drugigang.%uuid of player%}
wait 2 seconds
delete {drugcooldown.%uuid of player%}
Does anyone know how to stop the loop if u take damage, or is it impossible?
Im sry the skript looks wierd, im new to this forum