spawn minecart when block is clicked

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New Member
Apr 1, 2020
I have the line "spawn minecart at clicked block". It works properly with other minecart types, like when I replace it with "spawn minecart with chest at clicked block". When I use the spawn minecart at clicked block line, it prevents further lines from executing after, and does not spawn a minecart.
I am using skBee 2.7.6, Skellett 2.0.9, SkQuery 4.1.9, skRayFall 1.9.28, and Skript 2.8.4

Thanks for your help
SkRayFall and SkQuery are outdated and can cause problems. Most of their syntax is in recent versions of Skript, SkBee, and SkQuery.
Your version of skbee is extremely out of date. Well over a year. We are on release 3.4.3 as of now.

Updating/removing these addons should fix many issues you may have with skript.