Skript Help: Elytra Disable item

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Mar 21, 2024
Hey, I wanted help on this item I was going to make for my server. When used, whoever the player hits with the item (shears) can't be able to use their elytra for 1.5 or 2 seconds. I want it to not damage the player and I want it to be a one use only item.

Here is the skript I have right now but it doesnt remove the item from my inventory:
#Need help on setting a cooldown for how long the gliding of victim is off

on damage:
    if attacker is a player:
        if attacker's tool is shears:
            if name of attacker's tool is "&f&lElytra Disabler":
                cancel event
                remove attacker's tool from attacker's inventory #idk what i did here lol
                set gliding of victim to off
I think you should be able to do:
set item cooldown of elytra for victim to (random number between 1.5 and 2) seconds
if not try
victim's chestplate is an elytra:
    set item cooldown of victim's chestplate for victim to (random number between 1.5 and 2) seconds
The above 2 examples both require Skript 2.8+

Otherwise you can probably just set a variable to true that makes it so they can't glide.
I will try it when I get home and let you know! Also would it be "remove 1 event-item from player's inventory"?