skRambled not working with WorldGuard

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Active Member
Recently, i installed the skRambled 1.9 for my 1.8.8 server. But unfortunately the plugin won't work with the latest WorldGuard build. I wish skRambled will be supporting the new WG because i really need it for my faction server.

Is there any unofficial build that supports WG (Latest)? Help! :emoji_frowning:

PS: Staffs, you can freely move this thread to another forum if you believe that this is not the right forum. I don't know where to put this thread and I decided to put it here.
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I could probably make a addon directly for worldguard if you can't find anything.
I could probably make a addon directly for worldguard if you can't find anything.
Can you make an unofficial skRambled to support WorldGuard? Please :emoji_slight_smile:
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SharpSK has WG support
What i mean is that..

I need the factions effects from skRambled but unfortunately skRambled won't work if the version of WG is 6.2. I don't want to downgrade to 6.1 because when I do that, skStuff won't work. I hope you understand :L
What i mean is that..

I need the factions effects from skRambled but unfortunately skRambled won't work if the version of WG is 6.2. I don't want to downgrade to 6.1 because when I do that, skStuff won't work. I hope you understand :L
@xXAndrew28Xx is working on a new addon that will hook into the most known Factions related plugins (Kingdoms, Clans, Gangs, FactionsUUID, MassiveCore Factions, FactionsOne, etc), you'll be able to get rid of skRambled when it's released.
@xXAndrew28Xx is working on a new addon that will hook into the most known Factions related plugins (Kingdoms, Clans, Gangs, FactionsUUID, MassiveCore Factions, FactionsOne, etc), you'll be able to get rid of skRambled when it's released.
God damn, thanks for this information. I am really looking for FactionsUUID hooks. Thank you for the info.