I heard there was a permission manager in skQuery but it isn't working. I get these errors.
script options:
$ use permissions
noperm: &f&l<&c&l!&f&l> &7No Permission! &f&l<&c&l!&f&l>
command perm [<player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: skript.admin
permission message: "{@noperm}"
if arg-1 isn't set:
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is "add" or "give":
if arg-3 is set:
add arg-3 to permissions of player
else if arg-2 is "take" or "remove":
if arg-3 is set:
remove arg-3 from permissions of player
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is "add" or "give":
if arg-3 is set:
add arg-3 to permission of arg-1
else if arg-2 is "take" or "remove":
if arg-3 is set:
remove arg-3 from permission of arg-1