on region enter:
wait 4 ticks
if "%region at player%" contains "scan-skeld":
make player execute command "/task scan"
on any movement:
if {scan.%player%} is true:
cancel event
command /task <text>:
if arg-1 is "scan":
if {scan} is false:
if "%{tasks.%player%::*}%" contain "scan":
if {scanned.%player%} is false:
teleport player to {scanarea.%world%}
set {scan} to true
set {scan.%player%} to true
drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", speed 10, RGB 47, 255, 0, center player, id "%player%.scan", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 2, radius 1.4, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 2
wait 8 seconds
set {scan.%player%} to false
stopEffect id "%player%.scan"
set {scan} to false
set {scanned.%player%} to true
# taskchooser
command /taskchooser <player> <text>:
permission: foxscape.amongus.taskchooser
if arg-2 is "clear":
clear {tasks.%arg-1%::*}
send "&6FoxScape >> &fcleared %arg-1%'s tasks"
if arg-2 is "scan":
add "scan" to {tasks.%arg-1%::*}
send "&6FoxScape >> &fadded scan to %arg-1%'s tasks"
if arg-2 is "wires":
add "wires" to {tasks.%arg-1%::*}
send "&6FoxScape >> &fadded wires to %arg-1%'s tasks"
# taskplace
command /taskplace <text>:
permission: foxscape.amongus.taskplace
if arg-1 is "scan":
set {scanarea.%world%} to location of player
set {cords1} to location of player
send "&6FoxScape >> &fSet scan task to %{cords1}%"
# taskreset
command /taskreset:
permission: foxscape.amongus.taskreset
loop all players:
set {scan} to false
clear {tasks.%loop-player%}
set {scanned.%loop-player%} to false
send "&6FoxScape >> &fReset all tasks"
on join:
set {scanned.%player%} to false
# impchooser
command /impchooser:
permission: foxscape.amongus.impchooser
loop all players in world "amongusskeld":
set {imp/crew.%loop-player%} to "&7Crewmate"
set {_player} to random element of all players in world "amongusskeld"
set {imp/crew.%{_player}%} to "&4Imposter"
command /gameend:
permission: foxscape.amongus.gameend
loop all players in world "amongusskeld":
set {imp/crew.%loop-player%} to "&7Game not started"
on world change:
if player's world is "amongusskeld":
set {imp/crew.%player%} to "&7Game not started"
command /task <text>:
if arg-1 is "scan":
if {scan} is false:
if "%{tasks.%player%::*}%" contain "scan":
if {scanned.%player%} is false:
teleport player to {scanarea.%world%}
set {scan} to true
set {scan.%player%} to true
drawWarpRings style 1, particle "redstone", speed 10, RGB 47, 255, 0, center player, id "%player%.scan", rainbowMode false, scan true, height 2, radius 1.4, ringCount 40, ringDensity 20, visibleRange 32, pulseDelay 2
wait 8 seconds
set {scan.%player%} to false
stopEffect id "%player%.scan"
set {scan} to false
set {scanned.%player%} to true
i cant seem to get it to work no matter what i do if anyone knows a solution pls tell me
[doublepost=1620923388,1617545209][/doublepost]for some reason it works