Scoreboard showing random player

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Oct 5, 2019
Ok so, I have a scoreboard which worked, showed the correct statistics about the correct player, but now, it shows the player who died last to every player (for example, if I die, the scoreboard will display my name and stats for everyone)

(I made a command which loops every player and sends the loop-player, like below, but instead of just showing one player it shows every player on the server)

command /test:
        loop all players:
            send "%loop-player%"

Here is my code

every 10 seconds:
    loop all players:
        wipe loop-players sidebar
        set {_online} to number of players
        set {_balance.%loop-player%} to loop-player's balance
        set name of sidebar of loop-player to "myservername"
        set score "&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 15
        set score "&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
        set score "&3&3Bal:" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
        set score "&b&b%{_balance.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
        set score "&3&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
        set score "&3&3Online:" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
        set score "&b%{_onlinee}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
        set score "&3&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
        set score "&3TPS:" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
        set score "&b%the server's tps%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
        set score "&3&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
        set score "&3&3Time Played:" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
        set score "&b%{hours.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
        set score "&3" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
        set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
        set score "&b%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 14

(no errors)
I'd like to point out that loop all players every 10 seconds is a no no, if you tell me what you're trying to gain by doing this I might have another solution.
I'm confused tho
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