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Oct 24, 2021
Hello, I wrote this code:
command /rtp:
    description: Teleportuje gracza w losowe miejsce!
        if world is not "world":
            send "&cNie możesz używać tej komendy w &ltym świecie&c!"
            if difference between {servercore::rtp::%player%} and now < 0 minutes:
                set {_} to difference between {servercore::rtp::%player%} and now
                set {_t} to "%difference between 3 minutes and {_}%"
                send "&cNie możesz użyć tej komendy jeszcze przez &l%formatted({_t})%"
                if {servercore::rtp-teleport::%player%} is true:
                    send "&cNie możesz użyć tej komendy podczas teleportacji!"
                send title "&aLosowa Teleportacja!" with subtitle "&7Zaraz się przeleportujesz!"
                set {_loc::old} to player's location
                set {_time} to now

                while player's location is {_loc::old}:
                    set {_loc::new} to location at random number between 9500 and -9500, 256, random number between 9500 and -9500
                    loop 256 times:
                        if {_loc::new} and block above {_loc::new} are air:
                            if "%block under {_loc::new}%" doesn't contain "air" or "water" or "lava" or "leaves":
                                set {_loc::new} to location of {_loc::new}
                                set {servercore::rtp::%player%} to now
                                stop loop
                        set {_loc::new} to block under {_loc::new}
                    wait 5 ticks
                set {_dif} to difference between {_time} and now
                set {_dif} to difference between 5 seconds and {_dif}
                set {_cdif} to "%{_dif}%"
                set {_t} to timeformat({_cdif})
                send title "&aLosowa Teleportacja!" with subtitle "&7Poczekaj %{_t}%!"
                wait {_dif}
                teleport player to {_loc::new}
                send title "&aLosowa Teleportacja!" with subtitle "&aPomyślnie przelepotowano!"

Sometimes it teleport me fine. But sometimes i have a lot of errors in code [error.txt]
**This is problem with skript? Maybe it is problem without to small ram and world is not pre-generatet**


  • error.txt
    914.4 KB · Views: 146

can't really give you a 100% confident answer but from what I see, I'd assume it is your server version.

"hard-loading" chunks, especially on 1.18.1, tends to be very laggy. By that I mean when you do /rtp, you are dropped straight into a chunk that has never been loaded before, therefore causing lag. You can solve this by setting a border & pre-loading your world.

This was/is a problem on many Survival servers and doesn't have anything to do with Skript.

You can replicate this issue by teleporting to a random location that has never been discovered before. Example: /minecraft:tp WcaleNieNorbiros -95813 100 49185

Hope this helped C:
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