Solved queue skript help

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deez nutz

Nov 22, 2019
I cant figure out how to teleport one player to {blue.spawn} and another player to {red.spawn}

if executor is console:
if arg-1 is "start":
if {queue1} >= 1:
broadcast "&eThe match is about to start!"
broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e3 seconds.."
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e2 seconds.."
wait 1 seconds
broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e1 seconds.."
wait 1 second
broadcast "&eTeleporting players.."
loop {queue::*}:
if {queue.%player%} is 2: # Idk how to teleport each player to a spawn
add 1 from {queue1} to {blue.spawn}
delete {queue::*}
delete {queue1}
if 2 players enter the queue, after the countdown they both get teleport to the same location, I do not want that. I want 1 player to be teleported to one location and the other player to another.
Hmm, so you need the first 2 players who joined?
Hmm, so you need the first 2 players who joined?
if so this should work

command /duels [<text>]:
    permission: console
        if executor is console:
            if arg-1 is "start":
                if {queue1} >= 1:
                    broadcast "&eThe match is about to start!"
                    broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e3 seconds.."
                    wait 1 seconds
                    broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e2 seconds.."
                    wait 1 seconds
                    broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e1 seconds.."
                    wait 1 second
                    broadcast "&eTeleporting players.."
                    teleport {duel1pos1} to {duelblue}
                    teleport {duel1pos2} to {duelred}
                    delete {duel1pos1}
                    delete {duel1pos2}
                    delete {queue1}

command /duelenter:
        if {duel1pos1} is not set:
            set player to {duel1pos1}
            add 1 to {queue1}
            if {duel1pos2} is not set:
                set player to {duel1pos2}
                add 1 to {queue1}

command /duel1setspawn [<text>]:
    permission: *
        if arg-1 is not set:
            send "&FUsage: /duel1setspawn 1/2"
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "1":
                set {duel1pos1} to player's location
                send "&ASuccess"
                if arg-1 is "2":
                    set {duel1pos2} to player's location
                    send "&ASuccess"
Ight 1 sec
command /duels [<text>]:
    permission: console
        if executor is console:
            if arg-1 is "start":
                if {queue1} >= 1:
                    broadcast "&eThe match is about to start!"
                    broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e3 seconds.."
                    wait 1 seconds
                    broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e2 seconds.."
                    wait 1 seconds
                    broadcast "&cThe match will begin in &e1 seconds.."
                    wait 1 second
                    broadcast "&eTeleporting players.."
                    teleport {duel1pos1::1} to {duelblue}
                    teleport {duel1pos2::1} to {duelred}
                    delete {duel1pos1}
                    delete {duel1pos2}
                    delete {queue1}

command /duelenter:
        if {duel1pos1} is not set:
            add player to {duel1pos1::*}
            set {duel1pos1} to "random"
            add 1 to {queue1}
            if {duel1pos2} is not set:
                set {duel1pos2} to "random"
                add player to {duel1pos2::*}
                add 1 to {queue1}
Should work
i have set the spawnpoints, got my mate and I to do /duelenter and /duels start it wont do anything? sorry to take up your time
Any Errors while loading the skript?
[doublepost=1586951542,1586951454][/doublepost]Also the executor has to be console
sense you put that in you skript
yeah it didn't work, ill attempt this tomorrow because it is late for me my friend will be on tomorrow so ill be able to test it properly with another player, ill let you know how it works out with the skript.
[doublepost=1587026325,1586952791][/doublepost]It didn't work i ran /duels start by console when 2 players type /duelenter
yeah it didn't work, ill attempt this tomorrow because it is late for me my friend will be on tomorrow so ill be able to test it properly with another player, ill let you know how it works out with the skript.
[doublepost=1587026325,1586952791][/doublepost]It didn't work i ran /duels start by console when 2 players type /duelenter

didn't test + parser was dooing weird for me

command /setrandomlocations:
        add location of player to {Duels::Locations::*}

command /resetlocations:
        add location of player to {Duels::Locations::*}

on script load:
    delete {Duels::Queue::*}

on quit:
    delete {Duels::Queue::%uuid of player%}

command /start:
        if command sender is console:
            if size of {Duels::Queue::*} >= 2:
                if size of {Duels::Queue::*} <= size of {Duels::Locations::*}:
                    send "We gonna start" to {Duels::Queue::*}
                    loop 5 times:
                        send "%6 - (loop-number)%" to {Duels::Queue::*}
                        wait 1 second
                    send "FIGHT" to {Duels::Queue::*}
                    set {_locs::*} to {Duels::Locations::*}
                    loop {Duels::Queue::*}:
                        set {_r} to random element out of {Duels::Locations::*}
                        teleport loop-value to {_r}
                        remove {_r} from {Duels::Locations::*}
                    delete {Duels::Queue::*}

command /enter:
        if size of {Duels::Queue::*} <= size of {Duels::Locations::*}:
            if {Duels::Queue::%uuid of player%} is not set:
                set {Duels::Queue::%uuid of player%} to player
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