Problem with shulker's inventory

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2023
I am trying to make a dupe Skript that checks for blacklisted items, even from shulkers. However, even when I get no errors, when I run the command, nothing happens. Here is my skript:

else if player's held item is any shulker box:
                        set {_hs} to player's held item
                        set {_sh::*} to all items in {_hs}'s inventory
                        loop {_sh::*}:
                            if {blacklist::*} contains {sh::*}:
                                send action bar "&cYou thought you were slick." to player
                                exit loop

I tried many things, not just this. I tried looping items in the shulker's inventory directly, but literally nothing worked. If I didn't get an error, nothing happened at all. Please help!

Also, ignore my broken format, it's correct.
I am trying to make a dupe Skript that checks for blacklisted items, even from shulkers. However, even when I get no errors, when I run the command, nothing happens. Here is my skript:

else if player's held item is any shulker box:
                        set {_hs} to player's held item
                        set {_sh::*} to all items in {_hs}'s inventory
                        loop {_sh::*}:
                            if {blacklist::*} contains {sh::*}:
                                send action bar "&cYou thought you were slick." to player
                                exit loop

I tried many things, not just this. I tried looping items in the shulker's inventory directly, but literally nothing worked. If I didn't get an error, nothing happened at all. Please help!

Also, ignore my broken format, it's correct.
You could do something like:

on inventory click:
   event-inventory isn't player's inventory:
      if {blacklist::*} contains event-item:
         set event-item to air # Deletes item
         # Rest of your code here