Solved Placing a chest with specified items in it

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This should work
function chestSummon(player: player):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    set block at {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set slot 3 of {_block}'s inventory to diamond sword
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick
on rightclick:
Yeah i forgot to change that part
it now semi works but due to the fact that im using a 1 time use item to summon the chest it doesnt go away when empty
it now semi works but due to the fact that im using a 1 time use item to summon the chest it doesnt go away when empty
This should work if it doesnt work is cause the item set is not working correctly
function chestSummon(player: player):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    broadcast "%{_block}%"
    set block at {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    add 1 diamond sword to block at {_block}'s inventory
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while block at {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set block at {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick

on rightclick:
This should work if it doesnt work is cause the item set is not working correctly
function chestSummon(player: player):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    broadcast "%{_block}%"
    set block at {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set slot 3 of block at {_block}'s inventory to diamond sword
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while block at {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set block at {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick
on rightclick:
could you also add a loop so if the chosen block is not air it will attempt to choose a different block?
could you also add a loop so if the chosen block is not air it will attempt to choose a different block?[/QUO
This should work if it doesnt work is cause the item set is not working correctly
function chestSummon(player: player):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    broadcast "%{_block}%"
    set block at {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    add 1 diamond sword to block at {_block}'s inventory
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while block at {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set block at {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick

on rightclick:
and also on the same y-level as the player, sorry i understand nothing of functions XD
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