Solved Placing a chest with specified items in it

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Jul 12, 2017
Essentially i want to make a skript that when an item is used it will summon a chest in a 10 block radius of the player with pre specified items in it, when the items are taken out i need the chest to dissapear, currently i cannot find a way of doing any of the above

could someone please help with this
This should work
function chestSummon(player: player, radius: integer):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    set {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set slot 3 of {_block}'s inventory to diamond sword
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick

on rightclick:
    chestSummon(player, 10)
Please mark as solved if this fixed ur problem
This is untested!
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This should work
on rightclick:
    chestSummon(player, 10)

function chestSummon(player: player, radius: integer):
    #here i get a random block
    loop blocks in radius {_radius} around {_player}:
        if {_blocks::%loop-block%} is not set:
            set {_blocks::%loop-block%} to true
    set {_block} to a random element out of {_blocks::*}
    set {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set {_items} to a random integer between 4 and 7
    loop {_items} times:
        set {_slot} to a random integer between 0 and 26
        set {_item} to random item out of {items::*}
        #this is where you set the item
        set slot {_slot} of {_block}'s inventory to {_item}
    #Checking if there is items on the chest
    while {_block} is a chest:
        loop all items in {_block}'s inventory:
            add loop-item to {_chestitems::*}
        if size of {_chestitems::*} is 0:
            set {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick

on load:
    #here is where u add the items this is totally unnecesary if you dont want this
    add 1 fishing rod to {items::*}
    add 1 bow to {items::*}
Please mark as solved if this fixed ur problem
This is untested!
when using this i get this error
This should work
function chestSummon(player: player, radius: integer):
    #here i get a random block
    loop blocks in radius {_radius} around {_player}:
        if {_blocks::%loop-block%} is not set:
            set {_blocks::%loop-block%} to true
    set {_block} to a random element out of {_blocks::*}
    set {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set slot 3 of {_block}'s inventory to diamond sword
    while {_block} is a chest:
        loop all items in {_block}'s inventory:
            add loop-item to {_chestitems::*}
        if size of {_chestitems::*} is 0:
            set {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick

on rightclick:
    chestSummon(player, 10)
Please mark as solved if this fixed ur problem
This is untested!
This wont work anyways unless I'm mistaken because you're not actually choosing a random block, you're going to always be setting {_block} to true because you're only adding true to the list.

You should be setting {_blocks::%loop-block%} to loop-block's location not true

Or as pikachu pointed out in a previous post you should do this instead of loops for a random block:
set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius whatever around {_player}
This wont work anyways unless I'm mistaken because you're not actually choosing a random block, you're going to always be setting {_block} to true because you're only adding true to the list.

You should be setting {_blocks::%loop-block%} to loop-block's location not true

Or as pikachu pointed out in a previous post you should do this instead of loops for a random block:
set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius whatever around {_player}
Ok, is edited now ty
nvm got it
Pls mark as solved
no i mean i got the version XD
oh ok xD test it check the code is edited
This wont work anyways unless I'm mistaken because you're not actually choosing a random block, you're going to always be setting {_block} to true because you're only adding true to the list.

You should be setting {_blocks::%loop-block%} to loop-block's location not true

Or as pikachu pointed out in a previous post you should do this instead of loops for a random block:
set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius whatever around {_player}
the set to true is just to be sure that none of the blocks is repeated on the list variable
ok no errors this time but the chest isnt being placed at all
Test this
function chestSummon(player: player):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    broadcast "%{_block}%"
    set {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set slot 3 of {_block}'s inventory to diamond sword
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick
on rightclick:
And tell me what does the broadcast say
Test this
function chestSummon(player: player):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    broadcast "%{_block}%"
    set {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set slot 3 of {_block}'s inventory to diamond sword
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick
on rightclick:
And tell me what does the broadcast say
doesnt say anything
nvm it suddenyly started broadcasting the blocks in the area
This should work
function chestSummon(player: player):
    #here you get a random block
    set {_block} to random element out of the blocks in radius 10 around {_player}
    set block at {_block} to chest
    #Here is where you add the items this is just an example
    set slot 3 of {_block}'s inventory to diamond sword
    #Here is where you check if the chest has items
    while {_block} is a chest:
        if items in {_block}'s inventory isn't set:
            set {_block} to air
        wait 1 tick
on rightclick:
line 5 needs to be
set the block at {_block}'s location to a chest
Yeah i forgot to change that part
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