on rightclick on sign

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Carlo Verhamme

New Member
Jul 28, 2017
So I am making so when you click on a sign it opens a gui for you.
This is my current code:

on right click on sign:
    1st line of clicked block is "&0[&5TreinTickets&0]"
    open chest with 3 rows named "{@menu-naam}" to player
    wait 1 tick
    set {_slot} to 0
    loop 28 times:
        format slot {_slot} of player with 160:5
        add 1 to {_slot}
    format slot 13 of player with paper named "&5Trein Ticket" with lore "&7Klik op mij om een trein ticket te krijgen!" to close then run [execute console command "/giveticket %player%"]

This is the error I get:
[12:51:37 ERROR]: 'player with 160:5' is not an item stack (ticketsysteem.sk, line 15: format slot {_slot} of player with 160:5')

and when I click the sign. Nothing happens
I know the solution there is a java bug sign's first charter seems white on java and you must write after 160:5 to be unstealable, here is correct code:

on right click on sign:
    1st line of clicked block is "[&5TreinTickets&0]"
    open chest with 3 rows named "{@menu-naam}" to player
    wait 1 tick
    loop 27 times:
        format slot loop-number - 1 of player with 160:5 to be unstealable
    format slot 13 of player with paper named "&5Trein Ticket" with lore "&7Klik op mij om een trein ticket te krijgen!" to close then run [execute console command "/giveticket %player%"]
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