on rightclick on diamond block:

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New Member
Apr 1, 2020
So I have made this skript that teleports a player to a random level when they right click on a diamond block, but it only works with players who are op, and normal players cannot right click the diamond blocks.

on rightclick on diamond block:
if player is holding air:
set {map} to random element of {maps::*}
send "&b&lB&7&lv&a&l2 &8| &eYour map is: &6&l%{map}%&e!"
teleport player to {pos::%{map}%}

ty :emoji_slight_smile:
So I have made this skript that teleports a player to a random level when they right click on a diamond block, but it only works with players who are op, and normal players cannot right click the diamond blocks.

on rightclick on diamond block:
if player is holding air:
set {map} to random element of {maps::*}
send "&b&lB&7&lv&a&l2 &8| &eYour map is: &6&l%{map}%&e!"
teleport player to {pos::%{map}%}

ty :emoji_slight_smile:
Let's see if I understood: do you want only players with op permissions to be able to execute this entire chain of codes by right-clicking on a diamond block? If this is that you want:

on rightclick on diamond block:
    if player is holding air:
        if player is op:
            set {map} to random element of {maps::*}
            send "&b&lB&7&lv&a&l2 &8| &eYour map is: &6&l%{map}%&e!"
            teleport player to {pos::%{map}%}
            send "&cNo permissions."
Sorry for being unclear- I want all players to be able to use the diamond block, but it only works for players who are op.
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