Hello I need help, when trying to do a send "" loop-player using variables obtained from MySQL, it does not send to all the users that are in the list. Could you guide me in this?
- if they ask, do not give any error in the console, simply the message is sent only to the first player that enters and has declared "SPY" in its MySQL registry
Skript Plugin Version: 2.2-Mineplex-Core-Patch
What am I failing?
- if they ask, do not give any error in the console, simply the message is sent only to the first player that enters and has declared "SPY" in its MySQL registry
Skript Plugin Version: 2.2-Mineplex-Core-Patch
on chat:
set {_chat::*} to objects in column "ChatMode" from result of query "SELECT ChatMode FROM `{@clanes}` WHERE `Usuario` = '%player%'"
if {_chat::*} = "ON":
loop all players:
set {_loopchat::*} to objects in column "ChatMode" from result of query "SELECT ChatMode FROM `{@clanes}` WHERE `Usuario` = '%loop-player%'"
set {_loopuser::*} to objects in column "Usuario" from result of query "SELECT Usuario FROM `{@clanes}` WHERE `ChatMode` = 'SPY'"
if {_loopchat::*} = "SPY":
broadcast "&7Loop variable: %{_loopuser::*}%"
send "{@prefijoChatSpy} %{_PrefixPlayer}% &8» &f%message%" to loop-player
What am I failing?