Solved not a valid item data error

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Jun 27, 2018
Seoul, South Korea
Hi, I am making shop skript and I am having trouble with this error

[15:46:12 ERROR]: ': 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"' is not a valid item data (, line 39: set slot 1 of player's current inventory to wheat "&e밀 판매" with lore "&a30원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"')
[15:46:12 ERROR]: ': 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"' is not a valid item data (, line 44: set slot 6 of player's current inventory to pumpkin "&e호박 판매" with lore "&a300원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"')
[15:46:12 ERROR]: ': 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"' is not a valid item data (, line 45: set slot 7 of player's current inventory to pumpkin_pie "&e호박파이 판매" with lore "&a300원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"')

some of them is working when I change item data to number.
But wheat, pumpkin, and pumpkin pie doesn't work

Can someone help me?

Full code:
command /농산물상점:
        open "CHEST" with 2 rows named "&9농산물상점" to player
        wait 1 tick
        set slot 0 of player's current inventory to wheat_seeds named "&e씨앗 판매" with lore "&a1원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 1 of player's current inventory to wheat "&e밀 판매" with lore "&a30원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 2 of player's current inventory to bread named "&e빵 판매" with lore "&a350원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 3 of player's current inventory to melon_seeds named "&e수박씨 판매" with lore "&a250원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 4 of player's current inventory to melon named "&e수박 판매" with lore "&a20원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 5 of player's current inventory to pumpkin_seeds named "&e호박씨 판매" with lore "&a25원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 6 of player's current inventory to pumpkin "&e호박 판매" with lore "&a300원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 7 of player's current inventory to pumpkin_pie "&e호박파이 판매" with lore "&a300원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 8 of player's current inventory to beetroot_seeds named "&e사탕무 씨앗 판매" with lore "&a500원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 9 of player's current inventory to beetroot named "&e사탕무 판매" with lore "&a200원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 10 of player's current inventory to potato named "&e감자 판매" with lore "&a200원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 11 of player's current inventory to poisonous_potato named "&e독감자 판매" with lore "&a1원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 12 of player's current inventory to red_mushroom named "&e빨강버섯 판매" with lore "&a30원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 13 of player's current inventory to brown_mushroom named "&e갈색버섯 판매" with lore "&a350원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 14 of player's current inventory to apple named "&e사과 판매" with lore "&a250원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 15 of player's current inventory to 338 named "&e사탕수수 판매" with lore "&a20원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"
        set slot 16 of player's current inventory to 372 named "&e네더와트 판매" with lore "&a25원||&9좌클릭 : 1개 판매||&9우클릭 : 64개 판매"

I have Skquery, Skellett, Skutilities addon.
Last edited:
You forgot 'named' in lines for slot 1, 6 and 7
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