Server crash as soon as I load skript

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Jun 20, 2021
on load:
    delete {globalGenCache::*}
    set {globalGenCD} to 0
    delete {CustomStructures::*}
    wait 1 tick
    loop files in dir "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF":
        set {_e} to subtext of loop-value from characters 36 to (length of loop-value)
        if skutil yaml value "info.enabled" from file {_e} is true:
            add {_e} to {CustomStructures::*}
    set {maxy} to 320
    set {miny} to -64
    set {_n} to 0
    loop {CustomStructures::*}:
        set {_y} to skutil yaml value "info.yMax" from file loop-value
        set {_z} to skutil yaml value "info.yMin" from file loop-value
        if {_y} < {maxy}:
            set {maxy} to {_y}
        if {_z} > {miny}:
            set {miny} to {_z}
        add 1 to {_n}
    if {_n} is 0:
        set {cs} to false

on left click:
    if name of player's tool is "&6Wand":
        set {pos1.%player%} to event-block's location
        cancel event
        send "&dPos 1: x:%x-coordinate of event-block's location% y:%y-coordinate of event-block's location% z:%z-coordinate of event-block's location%" to player

on right click:
    if name of player's tool is "&6Wand":
        set {pos2.%player%} to event-block's location
        cancel event
        send "&dPos 2: x:%x-coordinate of event-block's location% y:%y-coordinate of event-block's location% z:%z-coordinate of event-block's location%" to player
        set {_xv} to abs(abs(x-coordinate of {pos2.%player%})  - abs(x-coordinate of {pos1.%player%})) + 1
        set {_yv} to abs(abs(y-coordinate of {pos2.%player%})  - abs(y-coordinate of {pos1.%player%})) + 1
        set {_zv} to abs(abs(z-coordinate of {pos2.%player%})  - abs(z-coordinate of {pos1.%player%})) + 1
        if x-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} < x-coordinate of {pos2.%player%}:
            set {_dx} to -1
            set {_dx} to 0 - {_xv}
        if z-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} < z-coordinate of {pos2.%player%}:
            set {_dz} to -1
            set {_dz} to 0 - {_zv}
        loop {_xv} times:
            loop {_yv} times:
                loop {_zv} times:
                    set {_x} to x-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} + {_dx} + loop-value-1
                    set {_y} to y-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} - {_yv} + loop-value-2
                    set {_z} to z-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} + {_dz} + loop-value-3
                    set {_loc} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "world"

command /saveStruct [<text>] [<number>] [<number>] [<number>] [<text>] [<text>]:
        if player is op:
            if {pos1.%player%} and {pos2.%player%} is set:
                if arg-4 and arg-3 is set:
                    set {_xv} to abs(abs(x-coordinate of {pos2.%player%})  - abs(x-coordinate of {pos1.%player%})) + 1
                    set {_yv} to abs(abs(y-coordinate of {pos2.%player%})  - abs(y-coordinate of {pos1.%player%})) + 1
                    set {_zv} to abs(abs(z-coordinate of {pos2.%player%})  - abs(z-coordinate of {pos1.%player%})) + 1
                    if arg-5 is not set:
                        set {_world} to world of player's location
                        set {_world} to arg-5
                    if arg-6 is not set:
                        set {_state} to false
                        set {_state} to true
                    if file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" exists:
                        set {_g} to 0
                        create file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml"
                    set skutil yaml value "" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to arg-1
                    set skutil yaml value "" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to {_world}
                    set skutil yaml value "info.yMax" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to arg-3
                    set skutil yaml value "info.yMin" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to arg-4
                    set skutil yaml value "info.amountPerChunk" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to arg-2
                    set skutil yaml value "info.amountOfBlocks" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to {_xv} * {_yv} * {_zv}
                    set skutil yaml value "info.enabled" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to {_state}
                    set {_t} to 0
                    if x-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} < x-coordinate of {pos2.%player%}:
                        set {_dx} to -1
                        set {_dx} to 0 - {_xv}
                    if z-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} < z-coordinate of {pos2.%player%}:
                        set {_dz} to -1
                        set {_dz} to 0 - {_zv}
                    loop {_xv} times:
                        loop {_yv} times:
                            loop {_zv} times:
                                set {_x} to x-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} + {_dx} + loop-value-1
                                set {_y} to y-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} - {_yv} + loop-value-2
                                set {_z} to z-coordinate of {pos1.%player%} + {_dz} + loop-value-3
                                set {_loc} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "world"
                                add 1 to {_t}
                                set {_b} to "%type of block at {_loc}%"
                                set skutil yaml value "blocks.b%{_t}%.type" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to {_b}
                                set skutil yaml value "blocks.b%{_t}%.x" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to loop-value-1 + -1
                                set skutil yaml value "blocks.b%{_t}%.y" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to loop-value-2 + -1
                                set skutil yaml value "blocks.b%{_t}%.z" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/SF/%arg-1%.yml" to loop-value-3 + -1

                    send "&cCorrect Usage: /saveStruct [name] [amountPerChunk] [Maximum Y value] [Minimum Y value] [optinal: world] [optional: state]"

                send "&cYou need to select a region" to player

command /wand:
        if player is op:
            give player glowing wooden axe named "&6Wand"

## port 25565

command /testGen:
        set {_x} to x-coordinate of player's location
        set {_y} to y-coordinate of player's location
        set {_z} to z-coordinate of player's location
        set {_location} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "world"
        set block at {_location} to "bedrock" parsed as block data

on chunk load:
    if {l.%event-chunk%} is not set:
        set {l.%event-chunk%} to true
    else if {l.%event-chunk%} is not false:
        set {l.%event-chunk%} to false
        remove event-chunk from {globalGenCache::*}

function ifIn(t: object, list: objects) :: boolean:
    loop {_list::*}:
        if {_t} is loop-value:
            return true
    return false


on chunk unload:
    if ifIn(event-chunk,{globalGenCache::*}) is true:
        remove event-chunk from {globalGenCache::*}
        delete {l.%event-chunk%}

function genCS(o: object):
    if {globalGenCD} >= 3:
        if ifIn({_o}, {globalGenCache::*}) is not true:
            remove {_o} from {globalGenCache::*}
            add {_o} to {globalGenCache::*}
        add 1 to {globalGenCD}
        remove {_o} from {globalGenCache::*}
        loop all blocks in {_o}:
            if y-coordinate of loop-value-1's location >= {miny}:
                if y-coordinate of loop-value-1's location <= {maxy}:
                    loop {CustomStructures::*}:
                        set {_yMax} to skutil yaml value "info.yMax" from file loop-value-2
                        set {_yMin} to skutil yaml value "info.yMin" from file loop-value-2
                        set {_ycc} to y-coordinate of loop-value-1's location
                        set {_am} to skutil yaml value "info.amountPerChunk" from file loop-value-2
                        if  {_ycc} <= {_yMax}:
                            if {_ycc} >= {_yMin}:
                                chance of (100/(({_yMax} - {_yMin}) * 256))*{_am}%:
                                    set {struct.%loop-value-1's location%} to skutil yaml value "" from file loop-value-2
                                    set {_ba} to skutil yaml value "info.amountOfBlocks" from file loop-value-2
                                    loop {_ba} times:
                                        set {_xadd} to skutil yaml value "blocks.b%loop-value-3%.x" from file loop-value-2
                                        set {_yadd} to skutil yaml value "blocks.b%loop-value-3%.y" from file loop-value-2
                                        set {_zadd} to skutil yaml value "blocks.b%loop-value-3%.z" from file loop-value-2
                                        set {_x} to x-coordinate of loop-value-1's location + {_xadd}
                                        set {_y} to y-coordinate of loop-value-1's location + {_yadd}
                                        set {_z} to z-coordinate of loop-value-1's location + {_zadd}
                                        set {_world} to skutil yaml value "" from file loop-value-2
                                        set {_location} to location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world {_world}
                                        set {_block} to skutil yaml value "blocks.b%loop-value-3%.type" from file loop-value-2 parsed as block data
                                        set block at {_location} to {_block}
                                        set {struct.%{_location}%} to {struct.%loop-value-1's location%}
        wait 10 ticks
        add -1 to {globalGenCD}
        if {globalGenCache::0} is set:
            set {l.%{globalGenCache::0}%} to true

this is the error and it gets spammed a ton before the server crashes:
03:40:25 ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!):
[03:40:25 ERROR]: ------------------------------
[03:40:25 ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread
[03:40:25 ERROR]:       PID: 32 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE
[03:40:25 ERROR]:       Stack:
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression.getAnd(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.WrapperExpression.getAnd(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression.getAnd(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.check(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare.check(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional.lambda$checkConditions$1(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional$$Lambda$8170/0x00000221513f3d88.test(Unknown Source)
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/$1MatchSink.accept(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.tryAdvance(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/$MatchOp.evaluateSequential(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/$MatchOp.evaluateSequential(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional.checkConditions(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.sections.SecConditional.walk(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.function.ScriptFunction.execute(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.function.Function.execute(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.function.FunctionReference.execute(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.function.EffFunctionCall.execute(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.lambda$check$3(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$$Lambda$8200/ Source)
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.lambda$check$4(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$$Lambda$8201/ Source)
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.util.Task.callSync(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.util.Task.callSync(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.check(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.access$000(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$PriorityListener.lambda$new$0(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               Skript-2.8.7.jar//ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$PriorityListener$$Lambda$7937/0x00000221512d4e78.execute(Unknown Source)
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:     
[03:40:25 ERROR]:     
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.NewChunkHolder.handleFullStatusChange(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkHolderManager.processPendingFullUpdate(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkHolderManager.processTicketUpdates(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               io.papermc.paper.chunk.system.scheduling.ChunkHolderManager.processTicketUpdates(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache.runDistanceManagerUpdates(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache$MainThreadExecutor.pollTask(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache.pollTask(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$$Lambda$6266/ Source)
[03:40:25 ERROR]:               [email protected]/
[03:40:25 ERROR]: ------------------------------