New Skript Coming

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Jython is already working and does everything it needs to do. By making 'New Skript Python Edition' you change nothing. If we wanted python on minecraft we'd go to the already finished and working project.
I would imagine writing things in Jython would be pretty awkward. NSPE works like Old Skript, but instead of using the Skript language, it uses Python.
Either way, Jython is already working and already has a support base. This project hasn't even been made. Why are you remaking something for ease of use if it already works?
Jython is a completely different product from NSPE. NSPE simply lets you interact with your Minecraft server in a way similar to Old Skript. Jython lets you compile Python to the JVM. Completely different.
Less words more examples/pictures.
Oh, you bet. Coming soon: just you wait.
I would imagine writing things in Jython would be pretty awkward. NSPE works like Old Skript, but instead of using the Skript language, it uses Python.
Another thing is, wasn't this supposed to be a step up from Skript? You're trying to get people to go the next step up in between java and Skript, which is not Python. Why would they learn Python using Minecraft tools? Python language isn't actaully meant for stuff like that and it's really not a good idea if you start someone off learning it on Minecraft as Minecraft will require specific syntax and other useless things. If they learn Python through using weird and unknown syntaxes for Minecraft, they will not really learn it as easily. Jython was meant for people who already knew Python to manipulate Java, what is this even going to achieve?
Jython is a completely different product from NSPE. NSPE simply lets you interact with your Minecraft server in a way similar to Old Skript. Jython lets you compile Python to the JVM. Completely different.
Oh, you bet. Coming soon: just you wait.
If you want people to learn the next step before Java, you need to get them used to handling parts of it. Jython does this...
Another thing is, wasn't this supposed to be a step up from Skript?
Yes! Python is a great language for people who are not ready for Java to learn.
You're trying to get people to go the next step up in between java and Skript, which is not Python.
Well, actually, I think it is… Python is frequently used as a beginning language.
hy would they learn Python using Minecraft tools? Python language isn't actaully meant for stuff like that
Or maybe you’ve written a program that could use an extension language, and you don’t want to design and implement a whole new language for your application.
From the Python documentation. Yes, Python is meant for stuff like this.
it's really not a good idea if you start someone off learning it on Minecraft as Minecraft will require specific syntax and other useless things
NSPE is just Python with no special syntax. Old Skript is the what has the special syntax, anyway. I am sure lots of people start learning Java through Minecraft plugins and end up just fine. I have no idea what kind of specific syntax you mean anyway, it is just a library, be it NSPE or Bukkit.
Yes! Python is a great language for people who are not ready for Java to learn.

Well, actually, I think it is… Python is frequently used as a beginning language.

From the Python documentation. Yes, Python is meant for stuff like this.

NSPE is just Python with no special syntax. Old Skript is the what has the special syntax, anyway. I am sure lots of people start learning Java through Minecraft plugins and end up just fine. I have no idea what kind of specific syntax you mean anyway, it is just a library, be it NSPE or Bukkit.
Fine then, let's see how far you get. Just don't take anything from Jython and edit it a bit...
Fine then, let's see how far you get. Just don't take anything from Jython and edit it a bit...
Okay, seriously. Jython does something completely different from NSPE. There is literally no reason to copy Jython and edit it for New Skript Python Edition; it would not make sense. NSPE will be a Minecraft plugin and Python library. That’s it.
Ay... "New Skript" is canceled! :emoji_grinning:

Uh, pretty sure this ManBearPig41 is NOT on the Skommittee.
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