Need per user time skript

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Nov 6, 2023
Hello, I need to set time per user and set blocks around the user (water -> lava) and time to 6000 to 18000 when in region "nether-island" if possible (only on the users client not globally)

idk if it is possible but i will be installing skript extensions if needed
Hi, can you provide more information about your skript help? So when a user joins a region "nether-island" set the time randomly from 6000 to 18000 only via user's client view and what radius you want to apply that replaces water for lava?
If that's correct, try with this (a problem might ocurr that lava might convert into obsidian, but that's not skript's problem):
    Region: nether-island
    TimeFrom: 6000
    TimeTo: 18000
    PlayerWeather: clear
    ReplaceRadius: 5
on region enter:
    if "%region%" contains "{@Region}":
        set {_time} to "%random integer between {@TimeFrom} to {@TimeTo}%" parsed as timespan
        set time of player to {_time}
        loop blocks in radius {@ReplaceRadius} around player:
            if loop-block is water:
                set loop-block to lava
            if loop-block is stationary water:
                set loop-block to stationary lava
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how do i fix
it didnt set the time for the player, and it server sided turned the water into lava, not client sided