Solved Nametags gone When players join

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Using skript its currently impossible to use both stylish scoreboards and any sort of nametags that change the prefix/suffix above the player's head, however I personally resorted to using stylish scoreboards and using a plugin called nametagedit using console commands within my script to change the prefix/suffix displayed above their head, I don't understand why nametagedit doesn't mess with stylish scoreboards as I assume it would use the minecraft scoreboard teams system but it works, the only glitch I found with it is that you may have to run the command "nte player [player] clear" before running the command to change their prefix or suffix
Using skript its currently impossible to use both stylish scoreboards and any sort of nametags that change the prefix/suffix above the player's head, however I personally resorted to using stylish scoreboards and using a plugin called nametagedit using console commands within my script to change the prefix/suffix displayed above their head, I don't understand why nametagedit doesn't mess with stylish scoreboards as I assume it would use the minecraft scoreboard teams system but it works, the only glitch I found with it is that you may have to run the command "nte player [player] clear" before running the command to change their prefix or suffix
It's because NametagEdit doesn't use real scoreboards, but fake ones. For who didn't understand, it uses packets.
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